Aug 19, 2009 15:29
I love the emails that I get at work, sometimes. I love the opportunity to be a smartass in response even more. For example, I just received this...
From: [DBA]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:23 PM
To: [Project Manager 1]; Feren; [Feren's Boss]
Subject: Pipe sizing for transfers to new delta production
We were under the impression that the pipe going to production will be getting larger soon.
The last time we needed to transfer a large file to production from delta or delta2 we got kicked out repeatedly.
After a very productive day we are on track to start out database builds tonight and tomorrow.
For one of these databases this will require a 50gb file transfer. With the problems occurring last time we want to confirm when the pipe gets bigger so that we can reduce the chances of restart.
So when will the pipe get bigger??
I carefully considered this for a minute, then sent a response:
From: Feren
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:23 PM
To: [DBA]; [Project Manager 1]; Feren; [Feren's Boss]; [Project Manager 2]
Subject: Re: Pipe sizing for transfers to new delta production
When it works out more regularly and drinks protein shakes.