Okay, so (I GUESS) I should talk more about my Colbert Report taping experience. For something I really wanted to do, it’s always the aspect of 06 March 2007 that I talk about the least. I was amused when I listened to my voice posts and realized that I didn't even mention TCR once.
It was somewhat the reverse of waiting in line for SWC last June 16th; it was a much longer wait and Angelina was the restless one this time. I felt bad because she felt sick. I let her have some of my Bunny Grahams.
We waited in line for three hours. A large chunk of it was spent in silence, which was awkward, I guess, but I kind of like silences. I received a copy of
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman from Angelina earlier in the day which I read for a little while while in line, despite the cold air freezing my hands off as I handled the pages. Angelina was frolicking about the streets of Manhattan without me during that time. But I put away the book when she came back and we got chatty or something. I started to sing a lot. We even did our own
call and response round.
When we got inside the TCR studio, we made some amazing discoveries while looking at this giant poster thing. Angelina and I spotted lots of weird, obviously Jon Stewart-and-Stephen Colbert slash-related things, Angelina spotted a LiveJournal icon she made, and I spotted another LiveJournal icon that I thought Angelina made but apparently she did not. She commented pretty frequently about how weird that poster made her feel.
I felt glad once we were inside the studio and sitting down. Angelina told me a couple of times prior to being seated about how small the TCR studio is, but it didn’t seem smaller than I expected it to be! Not that it seemed larger. I guess I just didn’t really have any expectations in mind. Or maybe I’m just good at predicting the size of TV show studios.
There was a lot that amused me about the studio. For some reason, my eyes frequently wanderd to these pictures of Hugh Laurie and Bill Cosby and some-guy-I-don’t-recognize over at the bookshelf. They amused me. I was entertained especially by this fireplace in the studio. It has a plasma TV on the inside of it that displayed . . . a fire in a fireplace. I can't remember if you can see this on the actual show or not because, err, I sort of haven't watched TCR in a super long time, but. I want a fireplace like that. It would cheer me up everytime I walk by it. It’s so ridiculous.
Pete Dominick came out before Colbert did. He’s one of Colbert’s warm-up comedian people, apparently. I don’t like stand-up comedy that much, but Pete lulzed me quite a bit. He apparently approached me while I was laughing really hard over something he said about babies. Angelina tried to tell me after the fact, but I couldn’t then understand what she was saying. Oops.
We had lots of studio people telling us how to cheer, what cues to follow, and how to follow said cues, such as when one guy does a twirly thing with a rolled-up pile of papers in his hand, we're supposed to cheer as hard as we can. Pete Dominick had more fun than the others, teaching us how to ‘‘cheer on cue’’ because ‘‘Stephen likes that.’’ He’d raise his hands at one half of the audience and they’d start cheering; once he lowered his hands, said half of the audience would promptly silence themselves. He did that with both audience halves. ‘‘And we wonder how Hitler rose to power,’’ remarked an amused Pete.
Angelina and I sat in the front row, and we got to give Stephen a high five. Angelina got two because I’m daft and it took me a bit to realize that everyone was standing. He missed my hand the first time around.
As always, it’s odd seeing someone you’re only used to seeing in TV shows and/or movies in person. It was especially odd with Stephen Colbert in his studio, because there were video screens everywhere displaying the taping as it'd appear to audiences - basically, it was showing everything that was going on before the audience in its finished format. He looks pretty different in person. Less . . . orange.
I kept trying not to look at the screen, haha. It was hard, especially during The Wørd, because there’s no other way to get the jokes! It was interesting to see Stephen's facial expressions as they happened in person, especially when he’d mess up (which only happened twice at the taping I went to - once in the beginning and another time after he made a Leviticus joke).
Neither Angelina or I knew anything about
Mark Frauenfelder, Tuesday night’s TCR guest, and we were somewhat disappointed about missing Ben and Jerry + free ice cream. (They were Monday’s guests, and everyone in the audience got a free thing of ice cream.) Mark is the editor-in-chief of
Make magazine, which is what Angelina and I and the rest of March Sixth’s audience did get a free copy of. Mark’s magazine is all about DIY technology, and it’s pretty h4rdk0r3. I flipped through it during my three-hour layover at the Boston bus terminal. I’m actually glad I got that instead of free ice cream. It has a thing about pinhole cameras in the copy we got!
I really wanted to watch Tuesday’s episode when I got home, but I forgot to ask my mom to tape it for me. :[ If any of my Colbert peepzzzzzzz on my friends list has an uploaded copy of it for me, I'd be eternally grateful.
I suck at tying posts together, but this post is already monstrous in size and I don't feel like writing anymore.