I'm now all of 3 pages into
Nobody Passes, the most recent anthology from Mattilda, aka Matt Bernstein Sycamore.
And I'm already in love.
I was a little in love when I read
Dangerous Families: Queer Writing on Surviving for my seminar paper last semester.
And now, reading just the introduction to the anthology...it's just so good. I can't really explain why, but maybe it's that, just 3 pages in, she's saying things that I've been turning over and over in my head for years, trying to make my feminist mind theorize and understand in a coherent way. Here, about authenticity and belonging and intersections of identity and..etc.
Which brings me to my next point:
My birthday is about a month and a half away. (September 27th!)
If you're so inclined to get me a birthday present, I only want one of three things:
1. a gift certificate to Raven or the Book Mill (or another used book store in western Mass).
2. money, to buy books with.
3. books. from my wish list:
(i'll be updating and adding to it, of course..)
(or, perhaps, a way to transport a full bed, dresser, and desk from fredonia to northampton in september without having to spend an inordinate amount of money on a u-haul. but i think the more likely gift is one of the above, so i'll go with that.)