Jan 29, 2003 14:19
my suitemate laura made that comment the other night to one of kay's friends online. yeah she was getting ready to have a little cyber sex fun with him. total wacko! (kay's friend not laura....actually both!) so anyways not too much has been going on here. i've just been hanging out and such. on monday night we spent all night trying to find miss kalleen a date. kay decided it would be best if she put a bunch of possible guys names in a bowl and she would draw from them. we also put laura's name in there and if she drew laura then laura would set her up with someone. she drew cole and threw it away then she drew laura so laura set her up with a guy named Ace from the water polo team. sounds like a real winner to me, i mean c'mon his name is ACE! that is frickin awesome. so we spent all night trying to convince kay that she would go with him and the she wasnt going to call her ex-boyfriend. funny stuff i tell you. good times were had by all of us including stephanie who never likes to hang out with us (the other suitemate). we finally went to bed around 145am and around 3am the fire alarm went off. that was the first one we've had in months and the first one ever to have in the middle of the night. so we all were outside for a good 30 min. soooo pissed about that.
hmm what happened tuesday? oh yeah kyle didnt go to class, oh well his problem. then i had english and nats with chels (yay!) then laura and i went to dinner with a girl down the hall lindsey and her boyfriend jeff. they are both really cool people. then i came back and minh wanted to watch a movie so i went up there and finished watching "Real World" then he ordered a pizza for him and he and kyle went down to smoke. so when the pizza guy called i called minh's cell phone to tell them the pizza guy was downstairs and minh was like "umm kristyn we are stuck in the elevator" i laughed soooo frickin hard. so i went downstairs and got his pizza and informed the front desk of who was in there. of course everyone laughed when i told them it was kyle and minh. they were stuck in there for about an hour. highly entertaining shit i tell you!!!! then minh ate his pizza and we finished Good Will Hunting.
oh the most important part of last night:
Zach and I have a made a very large bet of $5! He bets that i can't go two weeks without going up to their room to see kyle.
The Rules:
1. I am only allowed to go up to see Minh or Zach
2. I am not allowed to initiate conversation with Kyle but am allowed to respond to him if he talks to me (why would i want to...asshole!)
3. I am not allowed to take him homework or books for class
I think that is about it. it doesnt seem very hard to me at all. i think i will survive.
so i think i'm about done with this entry
talk to all of you later