"All time is all time. It does not change. It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations. It simply is. Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber."
-- Kurt Vonnegut
After an open and honest discussion with a colleague of mine, I realized something about some people's lines of reasoning. Some people follow the line of thinking in which they constantly say things like, "You still have to explain why that sub atomic piece exists." Don't get me wrong, on the surface it is a totally valid point within the discussion of existence, matter, time, and space... but here is my issue with how (all-too-often) this point is used in discussions of the origins of matter, etc... it is used to subsequently assert that there has to be intelligence or some kind of sentience behind it.
Sure, from a human perspective, it makes sense to expect intelligence or sentience to be behind the creation of matter... but it seems to me that people who think this way are limiting their thinking to human perception. And the funny part is, that most of the time this leads to the other person asserting that I put too much "faith" in science... that I am being closed-minded... which to me, is fundamentally ludicrous.
In my opinion, it is intellectually dishonest and moreover, closed-minded, for one to say that they know for a fact that intelligence has to be behind it. I think that is more closed-minded to limit one's own way of thinking to the framework of human perception when, in the future, we may have exponentially better methods of examining these things... ways that may expand our minds past the point of this limited existence that we now know.