Upon reading the following section of an anti-science email I received today, went off a bit on a rant which will prolly only serve to push my religious friend away from me further... but I cannot help myself when I see people thinking so irrationally:
The student stands quietly for a moment, before asking a question of his own. 'Professor, is
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As far as the existence of Nirvana goes, sure, it is possible that it is in fact an idea of the multiverse or alternate dimensions or the like... and yes, the translation of the word shows good meaning, but ultimately... there is simply insufficient evidence to state one thing or the other about it (as fact, that is) at this point. Theoretical science might open the possibility that what you claim is true, but that doesn't mean that that possibility should be taken as gospel... or taken as truth/fact. Based on the fact that it is unprovable/unkowable in the current state of our perception and ability... I guess I would have to concede that it is possible to reconcile the two, but neither likely nor knowable as fact, due to a lack of demonstrable evidence.
I wasn't really claiming it was true, I was just looking up stuff on the internet, to back up an argument, although I have not made any decisions regarding truth, other than truth should be looked at on a sliding scale, such as how true or false is something... I was far from taking anything for gospel, fwiw. so yeah, I should have worded it that some religions are possibly reconcilable with science. for further inquiry, read that Tao of Physics, it is quite convincing, and brings forth talking points on Taoism, Hinduism and Buddhuism that I think that you would find very interesting, being an open minded individual?
Ganesh is the Remover of Obstacles (I would hope to think that you at least think that luck is real), or the Lord of Beginnings (such as someone who transforms their life through a new beginning, or fresh start, what many Americans are going through right now).
More specifically, the bit about hoping that I still believe in luck... that, seemed like what I would describe as a statement that was rooted in antipathy and affected in a manner that felt disapproving in some way. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter to me (not that I don't care about your opinion) whether you are disappointed by my opinions and points of view, seeing as they are intrinsic to my perception. Although, I would rather you not be so judgmental as to be disappointed by what you seem to consider "preachiness"... especially considering that, when first off, I am not out to "convert" anyone. I am simply out to point out where I think people's logic may be flawed or where people's rationalizations seem dubious is all. Take it or leave it, it isn't going anywhere.
FYI - Not trying to be inflammatory or harsh here, just telling the straight up truth. ;o)
* edited to correct spelling errors.
all this can be broken down into physics and correlated to certain aspects of religions and ethos such as buddhism, hinduism and especially taoism, which is itself a social code. I urge you to read the books the Tao of Physics, the Perennial Philosophy, and mostly, The Science of Good and Evil, a book on behavioral sciences, since you seem to be enamored of science as of late.
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