Julian Hawke

Jul 21, 2011 18:59

A couple of screenshots of my mageboy from DA2, whose interaction with Anders is the main theme of my soon-to-be-posted fic Between the Shadow and Me...

At the beginning of Act I, Julian doesn't look a day older than 19, which is technically the lowest starting age for Hawke that the game allows. As the game progresses, his appearance changes (and thank you, BioWare, for giving me the Black Emporium which allowed me to show my boy's character development on the outside), but he still looks frighteningly young in comparison to Anders.

It's up to you whether you find the May-December romances endearing or squicky, though...

Act I - The Farm Boy

Act II - The Noble

Act III - The Revolutionary

Call me shallow, but I like my PCs pretty... :)

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