luck strikes again

Feb 12, 2006 13:49

so i have to go pick up my dad at the airport at 2. i get up get ready for shoveling and its already 12. i get outside and look at 14-16" of snow and think, well im glad ive been working out and i get started. 20 minutes later and i've made it out of the terrace to the hill part of the driveway. No possible way i'm even gonna finish shoveling by 2 because at the road theres of course a thick hill of all the plowd hardenned snow from the road at the bottom of the hill. But as i feel despair i look and see a truck, a truck with snowblowers on it, and our head landscaping guy! (an old irish guy, he's cool) He sees me shoveling asks if i need a hand (we're contracted with them for them to come out on any snow) and im like hell yes. and as you see now its 10 of 2, the driveways clear, i'm ready to go, the flights on time and i freaking lucked out!!! woo!!
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