Jan 22, 2005 23:34
Wow, I'm actually doing an update. However, I'm kind of at that "beyond exhaustion" point, so I can't promise this will be anything but rambling and semi-incoherent (I probably won't even bother to proofread).
So the quick update is that my life is being consumed by interviews for med school - some MD/PhD and some MD (though the MD only ones aren't by choice). Went to Portland OR earlier this month to check out Oregon Health and Science - very nice. Up on this idyllic hill, views of the volcanos, skybridges, liberals, environmental freaks and queers running around everywhere. But it's also like a bazillion miles from here.
Went to Harvard for MD only this Thursday, which was cool. But I didn't get interviewed for the program I want to do, so that was a mixed bag. I could always apply for the MD/PhD while I was there, but I'd be doling out the big bucks in the meantime (for those of you not in the know, standard practice is for MD/PhD students to pay either greatly reduced tuition, or nothing at all). But all that aside, I'll just be interested to see if I can actually get into Harvard Med.
Just got back from Brown MD/PhD a few hours ago. Very little program - they're admitting 3 students total next year (the med school class is mid-60's range I guess). They were very, very nice to me and the other applicants- put us up in an inn, fed us multiple times (restaurant trips, not just sandwiches or some shit). Oh, and our ride to go around Providence to hospitals and labs and such? A motherfucking stretch limo. A LIMO. You have no idea how pimp it feels to get out of a limo in front of a hospital waiting room while in a suit. They were also VERY positive about me - interviewers were telling me I could expect an acceptance basically. BUT, they aren't fully funded, so that's something to consider in comparison to everything else.
And Monday morning, nice and early, I've got an MD only at Yale. Again, not exactly what I want, but it IS Yale. No way I'm not going to check it out. After that, still have to hear from Tufts about whether they want to interview me, and I fly (or get flown out, I guess) to UWash in Seattle to check out their program in March.
Yeah... as exciting as some of this is, I'd just like to know where I'll be living for the next 8 years.
Oh, and blizzard conditions make me cranky. I hate this crap.