And so it begins...

Aug 30, 2007 20:39

Ello all!

Meet my newly created LJ for my Changling:the lost character. She is as of yet nameless but i'm sure that will come in time. Mostly going to use this right now to start to pull together background/background ties/personality and all the other little things that make a character tick. For right now i'm leaving it open but it'll probably switch to friends only once things start rolling so feel free to friend.

What I have so far:

Seeming: Hunterheart Beast, the animal she's aspected to is the wolverine. X-men jokes aside, the wolverine is as feirce as a bear, twice as vicious, and very maternially protective. Also because of it's smaller size it's less obvious when moving about, so they're easier to pass under the radar, but still wolverines have been known to take down animals more than twice their size.

Court: Summer

Personality: Feral, has somewhat animalistic reactions to certian things. Prefers things to be simple, and is a bit of a loner. Feircely protective of anyone she's 'adopted' or tied herself too. Even though animalistic, the protective maternal instincts of the wolverine she's aspected too show through. She fights hard and vicious, tending to take the most pragmatic and violent solution to a conflict. She also 'parties' hard as well, loosing herself in instinct and forgetfulness for a time.

Vice: definately Wrath
Virtue: Either Hope (see why in background)or Fortitude

Loose Background:

1949- Born in to 'old money' family somehere either in the north east or midwest. Grew up living the pretty bland life of a socialite in the 50-60's. was probably a 'head in the clouds' sort of girl and probably lived kind of sheltered considering her family and the time period.

1969/70- Married when she was 20-21, society marriage for the most part, husband an up-and-commer in either business or politics. Fondness in the marriage but no real passion.

1971- Daughter Ceilia born.

1971-1974- Character sympathizes with 'hippie' movement, counter to her and her husbands conservative families and lives. As being a mother is socially acceptable she dotes on the daughter she adores and spends most of her time and energy raising her, hoping that one day her daughter will live a more independant existance than she's been given. She spends a lot of time out of doors with Ceilia, getting what freedom and "getting back to nature" as she can even though being a hippie is out of the question.

1974- Taken while playing outside with Ceilia. Not quite sure of the details yet but I have this image of her getting draged through the hedge by her hair. She doesn't know it at the time but she was taken by one of the fae lords who specilizes in kidnapping mortals. She was contracted for by another Fae lord...but when he came to take her the lord doing the actual kidnapping took a fancy to her daughter and took her as well. the lord was a master fetch crafter and both her and her daughter's fetches were very convincing mecanical dolls with the normalcy echo.

1974-1976- Character spends an unknown amount of time in arcadia, serving as a kind of 'pet' to the master. Her memories of this time are extremely fuzzy but she remembers being hunted, being chained up for long periods of time in some sort of great hall, and being used as the 'bear' in bearbating with hounds or other animals. Instead of developing 'kicked-puppy' syndrome, as her previous life might have suggested, she instead found some core of strength and just got angry. Her master seemed amused by her violent reactions and kept pushing to see what it would take to break her. During this time she's got vauge recolections of her 'missing cub' and it is finally these memories of her daughter which allow her to scramble back enough of her mind, harness her anger, and escape.

1976- despite having spent maybe 5, or more, years in arcadia, only two years have past while she was gone. Her greatest desire is to be reunited with her daughter (who as far as she knows is still there). She spends a short week or two stalking her family, during which time she catches sight of her fetch. Her Fetch, having been make of master clockwork craftmanship, seems to fit into her conservative life better than she had. The fetch however senses her coming, and feels increacingly uneasy though it dosn't know why. One night when it was alone in the house it packed up, left a note for 'her' husband and fled, thinking that the 'bad feeling' would follow so that it could be delt with in relative saftey away from the family. Of course the fetch didn't know that the character's only desire was to be reunited with her daughter, and the character sneaks into the house once the fetch is gone, reads and then burns the letter, takes a shower, gets dressed up in 'her' clothes, blows glamor to re-enforce her mein, and waits for her husband and daughter to come home.

She can act the part of the mechanical society wife well enough to fool her husband for a time, though he begins to feel uneasy around her and thinks that maybe she's going a little 'off'. Her reunion with her now 5 year old daughter is everything she thought it would be untill she notices that something is not quite right. Her daughter smells...not like she should, her daughter seems to notice things about her mother when the extra enforcment on the mein slips now and agian. It only takes a few weeks for the character to be convinced that this is NOT her daughter but is indeed a fetch, but she hesitates upon taking any action because the little perfectly created mechanical doll is so lifelike and human seeming, so like her daughter. She is forced to action when the fetch, realizing it is not being followed, takes the risk of calling home and the character answers the phone. Knowing that her fetch is comming and she cannot stay, the character makes the heartrending decision to kill her daughter's fetch, trusting in her feral animal instincts that it is a fetch and not her daughter. "You are not my cub"

The Character flees, the Fetch returns home and is blamed for 'Ceilia's' death. The fetch is tried and found guilty, but because the family has money and the fetch keeps saying things like "I killed her, but it wasn't me" it is incarcerated in a mental institution. As far as the character knows it is still there.

1976-Present- Character joins the summer court. Convinced that Ceilia is in arcaia the character makes a carrer pushing the boundries of the hedge, risking the edges of arcadia to help other lost who are escaping through the hedge. Kinda like a first stop on the 'underground railroad'. Her constant hope is one day her daughter will be one of the ones she finds in the hedge, trying to find her way back through. Here I need lots of background ties and help fleshing out the background, either characters that she's helped through the hedge at one point or another, or entitlements/pc groups that share her need to help other Lost escape and are interested in fighting back. Sometime during all of this she moves to tampa, and that's where she is when the cronicle starts. 58 years have past since she was born, in addition to who knows how many years in Arcadia, but do to as high a wyrd as i can manage and the fact that her fae lord was interested in keeping his 'pet' fit, stalwart, and strong so he could continue to torment it, she is very well preserved and only looks about 35-40.
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