Problems with timing agian

Sep 12, 2007 18:29

thanks to the newly published list of approval levels I have to completely re-work my background having been in arcarida twice, recaputured or not, is global approval. i thought i had arrived at an elegant solution to the problem of timing by having Kalen get recaptured right after escaping and killing her daughter's fetch, but now that is not to be.

So as i see it i am left with two choices...

Either She kills her daugther's fetch BEFORE she is taken...which i don't lik because memory of her daughter is a big reason she escaped the first time and i want the animlistic 'you are not my cub' thing wrapped up in it.

OR, I have to move up the whole time line which might ruin the closet hippie flower child concept of what she was before she was taken.

Also to consider. I don't want her to come back from arcadia to find that her 'daughter' has grown up too too much while she was gone...agian i want the whole animalistic 'ypou are not my cub' reponse and that looses something if cecilia's not a kid anymore when she gets back.

grr...stupid global approvals
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