Changeling Allegorical

Mar 24, 2009 23:07

OOC: Housecleaning. I wrote this back in May, inspired by Edria, Kalen, and Selene all standing there at Gaius and Edria's wedding. Never posted it up, but am doing it now for posterity. Cross posted in the correct order for it at shardsofwonder .


Beloved of the Goddess, He loves her each in turn
from Samhain's wise foretelling to Beltane fire's burn
Maiden, Crone, and Mother, each within their sphere
She is born in many faces, but each he has held dear

Back at this tale's beginning, before the thorny maze
The Crone was but a woman, and lived her mortal days
As mother to his infants, he husband to her wife.
Together they shared a love mostly free from strife

But a far greater purpose is destined for the Crone 
Only in pain and anguish can herself be known
Unwilling though may be, he led her through the thorn
And there in utter turmoil, her prophecy was born

For a time he lingered there, bereft of the souls touch
Of the Goddess whose favor has graced his life so much
Blood is shed upon the sand and tempered steel is twirled
Sharing in her transformation before returning to the world

Then once the trials are over, the Mother is there to hold,
To share his righteous anger; it is she who makes him bold.
She is not for him to marry, what is wild should be not bound
But within her warm embrace his second nature can be found

The Mother, she needs no husband, but an equal love and mate
And to defend and serve the helpless will now always be his fate
As one in honor, strength, and courage; they the alpha pair
He shares with her the protection of the young within their care

They are sworn steadfast and loyal, but she can never be his bride
For it is to her younger self that he must needs be tied
Two out of three is not enough, to bind him to the whole
And to be consort to the Goddess three is his fated role

So then Maiden comes to him, frozen with trembling dread
Understandably wary of this man she is to wed
Pledges and oaths have been forged, to tie the unwilling pair
But a dedication to their duty is the one thing that they share.

A year of grief and tribulation blossoms into spring
And two hearts at odds does the Goddess together bring
Summer into Autumn, as do the seasons turn
Love and care for each other they are now to learn.

It is in these, his twilight years, when the Maiden grants him ease
The Mother learns calm acceptance while the Crone in vengeance seethes
Three in one, they have come, to stand together by his side
When, in the Beltane lighted woods, Her third face he takes as bride.

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