Day 16, Just so we're clear

Mar 17, 2009 09:02


It was just this weekend when we four stood together and said that we would work together to try and help the region, to create something better. It is in that spirit that I am writting this, for if I am going to work with you, If I am going to trust you, and you me, then I think it's only fair some things are out in the open. I'm not a person who generally minces words anyway.

Bandabras is my best friend. He has always been there for me, without question. This evening I returned the favor, and although I do not begrude him my time in the least, I can't help but notice that this is the second time in as many months that he has been nearly shattered by something you have done.

I can understand the concept of sacrifice, I'm a summer courtier. I can understand giving all of yourself for others. But even when I do so, I do so because it is a concious choice, and I never loose sight of my own passions or how my actions might affect those around me. Fullfilling others desires might be a noble goal, but when you do so with no concern or thought but fullfilling those desires for others, no matter your own desires or how it affects others... then it is a destructive behavior which will eventually get yourself or someone else hurt beyond repair. If this is how you choose to live your life, so be it...

But I find it very hard not to get angry when it effects my best friend this badly. Two times, I've had to comfort him from the depths because of you. Two Strikes.

I want to work with you to create something better in the southeast. I want to be able to trust you. But I am finding that difficult when I know that your desires and goals change depending on who you are around at the time and all it would take is one person you interact with to desire something contrary to our goals and you will start to waffle. And I have diffuculty trusting you when I see this sort of behavior despite whatever attachment you might feel towards a man who is absolutely stupid for you, and when I see how it effects him.

So fair warning, in the interest of coorperation. And I say this not as a Summer courtier or as a member of the Praesidium, nor as an Initiate of the Isle or any of my other positions. I say it just as a woman who is concerend for her friend, to another woman.

You are at two strikes with me. You hurt him like this a third time and It is going to be MY desire to do something about it.

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