
Mar 01, 2009 23:45


Over twenty of us, escorting the accused to trial. Escorting the Judge and the prosecutor... Puck will likely be found guilty, but he will live to hear that verdict anounced.

Cowards, they couldn't wait an hour, when their hunting of the man would be seen as heroics... they have to kill him now...

Gunshots flying too quickly, Luteinent and Puck dead before many of us even have a chance to react. Gaius is yelling to get everyone inside and I escort Justice Drago into the safty of the temple... Everyone else should be right behind...

Pain... Goddess I have never felt such pain... Oaths shattered and I know... within the space of two heartbeats everything has changed.

I scream and run back the way I came, too late... she is running towards me.

Growl and cling to her as we fall, crying... growl and snap at any who would approach.... keen over their bodies as they are laid out before us... love and motleymate, shieldmate and brother... the core of my family lifeless before me... Anger, rage, trembling with the need to run and stalk and hunt and feel their blood between my teeth and I cannot because she is sobbing 'don't leave me'....

Nwabudikane summons his ghost, and I cannot help but to whimper as I see him, it takes all I have to not throw myself at him sobbing... Edria first, Edria always gets to go first... And then he turns to me.

"Watch them all for me, make sure this dosn't destroy what we've built"

Don't ask me... Don't ask me, love.. I'm not strong enough to lead them without you.... I've never been strong enough without you....

Clinging to him, forhead to forhead, sobbing and in my eyes he sees the pain and guilt that the moment I left his side.... and he whispers 'it's okay' even though we both know that it's not and it will never be so ever agian..."I love you, Carriadon..." I sob, and he smiles in that way that always made my heart skip a beat and whispers that he loves me too... too many people around and even now I force myself to hold back for her sake... but our lips barely brush, feather light... our first kiss in two years... and the last... I let myself be pulled away so he can say his goodbyes to others, and it is only my children holding me that is keeping me from throwing myself at him and clinging and sobbing and begging him not to leave me...

Mallory gathers us to swear an oath, to seek Justice instead of Vengance.

I can't, I can't... I will kill them, I will kill them all...

But I swear the oath anyway, for his words are still echoing in the shattered remains of my heart  "make sure this dosn't destroy what we've built..."

Johnny's outrage at the oath is like a knife twisting in my side, but I have nothing left to give, no comfort or wise words or leadership... I am hollow...

Drifting after Edria, lost in my own pain as everyone stops to offer her condolences and support...knowing I should be doing something, anything, but unable to find the energy to care or form words... ignore me, let me drift away, forgotten... a footnote in his story as his rightful widdow carries bravely on. I will lay my bones on his grave and let the dust of them mix with his...

Dog hands me tea, and at Edria's urging I drink, even though I know that it is likely drugged and they mean for me to sleep and heal and live... And I let them... Drinking what I am given and letting it drag me into restless oblivion... Because he asked... and If I am to do what I must I will have to learn to live without a heart.

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