Update tiem.

Sep 29, 2011 18:21

Holy shit, I just realized I haven't posted anything in a couple of months. So, a recap is in order:

1) I'm over 11,500 achievement points.

2) FINALLY got the Attumen mount this week. Also got the new ZA bear about a week and a half back.

3) Ragnaros 1.0 is still a penis gargler and refuses to drop the Eye of Sulfuras.

4) Due mostly to lack of consistent attendance, ninja AFKing, and bad internet, we only managed 2/7 normal Firelands before the nerfs hit. However, thanks to the nerf bat of two weeks ago, we're 6/7 and a bit into phase 2 of Ragnaros 2.0.

5) Staghelm trinket OM NOM NOM. But no fire kitty staff yet.

6) Newest mount farming project is the Stonecore and Vortex Pinnacle mounts, since the Skadi project never really became consistent. I queue as healer because I just can't stand bear tanking anymore. Which brings me to...

7) My primary offspec is now tree, since we brought in Mimm's tree and Euraa changed to a warrior, giving us three potential tanks with him, Ken (who is also now a warrior instead of a DK) and Fenrik.

8) Finally won the Kalu'ak Fishing Derby a couple weeks ago, giving me the Salty title and prompting me to name change to Bareass (again). See how long it takes to get reported this time.

That is all.
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