
Jun 13, 2010 11:44

Latest incident of stupidity in a pug:

I've been trying to run Onyxia as much as possible lately, not just because of the mount, but also because of the tanking ring she drops for my Sindragosa set. So, yesterday Kaz and I, after running a 10 man group, expanded it and made it into a 25. Now, there was some confusion right off the start.

Pug 1: Who are the healers?
Pug 2: Put all the healers in one group.
Me: The healers are the four healing classes (including a shaman) in group 5 and Isskk (resto shaman, who I had put in group 3).
Bad boomkin (this guy sticks out because he was the only boomkin): PLZ PUT HEALERS IN GRP 5.
Me: Isskk is NOT in group 5 so that we have as many people getting tremor totem in phase 3 as possible.
Bad boomkin: Tremor totem is raidwide, but w/e.
Me and Isskk: Lolwut, l2shaman. It's been party-only forever. [Isskk links Tremor Totem]
Tree: I need wisdom.
Me: You have two resto shaman.
Mage 1: Mages need wisdom.
Me: FFS, YOU HAVE TWO RESTO SHAMAN. That means you have IMPROVED mana spring totem.
Half the raid: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh......

Keep in mind that this was all during the trash. I had several people whisper me saying they hadn't done Onyxia before, or that their GearScore was kind of low (I still don't know what GearScore is supposed to be sufficient for what content), and I told them that as long as they can avoid the cleave, the tail and the breath and have their gear itemized properly, I don't really give a shit what their GearScore is. And guess what? None of those people failed. At all. None of them got cleaved, none of them got hit by the tail, none of them ate a Deep Breath. The retards who sent me tells saying DIS PURSON HAS LOW GS U SHULD BOOT DEM? A few got the tail in the face multiple times, two died to a Deep Breath, and one of them got cleaved in phase 1.

Did the lower geared people do a bit lower DPS? Yes. Does it matter? Not for Onyxia. Did they do a better job than the retards that made me pick up whelps in phase 1? No.

Also did another Icecrown 25 pug group last night with Nerentes' pally and Kaz on his mage. One-shot the first four, no DBW or Toskk's drop. Then we proceeded to the Plagueworks, which seems to be the pug killer on Kael'thas, both for 10 and 25. The raid leader directed us to Festergut, didn't really give any sort of explanation apart from "Ranged stay at range," and told the tanks to go. The first vile gas killed like three ranged because the healers weren't ready. The second one hit the melee right after he killed the first tank. Even on the third pull, when we bloodlusted off the bat and had everyone executing properly, the boss was still over 60% at the first Pungent Blight. WITH A BLOODLUST AND 20% BUFF. I looked at recount for that pull--there were like six or seven people under 6k, including a DK and fury warrior both under 4k. In a 25 man, with the 20% buff, that's simply inexcusable on a Patchwerk fight. So I told the RL to either kick some DPS or pick a different boss, because we were SO not beating the Festergut enrage. So we went to Rotface. That didn't go much better, and I was done.

I still can't get over two melee doing less than 4k on Festergut. That simply astounds me.
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