Nov 05, 2003 22:02
dad didn't mind the lateness, i got him a matchbox car. we played euchre. all is well.
tomorrow i have to get up extra early to get a blood and piss test for my life insurance. so that's lame. apparently if my blood and urine are awesome i'll live longer and they wont have to ante up a bunch of money as soon. insurance companies are the biggest organized crime organization in the world. i hope i win.
woah oh black betty, bam a lam
i'm going to attend the greatest concert of my life on sunday, i'm totally pumped. Children of Bodom, Hypocrisy, Nevermore, and Dimmu Borgir. all in the same building! I know what your thinking "mike, all those bands can't all be together, the show would just be too good." but your wrong. they are.
a final note, i blew my computer speakers. and that sucks.