When Nymphadora Met Remus

Jan 07, 2011 15:02

I have no plans to write anything past this scene, but Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix left Harry out of the initial introductions. I've guessed that Aurors would need two years of training, and that if Tonks had been in school with Harry, he would have noticed pink hair at some point. Tonks years out of school when Remus's secret was ( Read more... )

character:sirius, harry potter, character:remus, character:tonks, fanfiction

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feral_shrew January 7 2011, 03:27:36 UTC
"Yeah, Tonks is pretty... memorable, I'd say. ;) I'm also of the belief that while Tonks is probably still pretty young at this point, had she lived she would have probably used her metamorphagi powers to look younger than she really was for ages. ;) No sense in having wrinkles if you don't have to."

Rowling was too good with setting up little tiny details that mattered later, like the vanishing cabinet that Harry was hiding in for Book Two. Pink-haired seventh-year? That's a mention. (I completely agree about the wrinkles, and I know she did badass celebrity impersonations.)

"I really like that Tonks is happy to see her cousin. :) I totally forgot that they were related and thus PROBABLY know each other, especially since they were both black sheep within their family. ;)"

Sirius ran away from his family after sixth year, I believe, and his crazy uncle (Alphard?) left him money. I think that's all the cue Andromeda needs to introduce him to her adorable little girl, and then Sirius is a big charming kid himself, so they get along famously.

"Aww, letting Sirius continue to call her by a childhood nickname... :)"

I can't imagine she was eight or so and going by Tonks. "Nym" sounds more like her, maybe "Nymmie" until she's five, only her mother ever uses the full name. (And what a darling girl to give her little boy a cute, sensible name)

""I’m in the Aurors, and the new recruits chatter like magpies. Two years back, all the newbies came in breathing fire about how the best Defense teacher in ages had left after a potions accident. Please, do you see how many accidents happen in the actual class?" AWESOME. :D "

She just started chattering at me, and that was my favorite line, especially because I like imagining Remus going "WTF?????" and Sirius with the slow "... wow. Best cousin EVER." (I also want to set up the later dynamic, where Tonks cares zilch about his furry little problem, and after she hears that phrase, she starts using it.)

The only scene in the books I actively hate is Remus's little Book 7 tantrum. I felt he was way OOC and not at all the cool professor that decides to teach a 13-year-old a spell most adults can't manage (because Harry is James and Lily's son). The little metamorphagus baby... d'aww! (Plus, Harry-as-godfather is all kinds of adorable.) It'd be even better if they (is it even a spoiler?) lived, but... I like Teddy.


beboots January 7 2011, 05:06:10 UTC
"(I completely agree about the wrinkles, and I know she did badass celebrity impersonations.)" OMG YES! :D

Also, speaking of setups... I read an interesting theory a while back before the sixth book came out that hypothesized that Harry was also a metamorphagus. Remember the chapter with all of the accidental magic Harry did in his childhood? How the talking to snakes thing came back in the second book? Well, Harry did manage to grow back his hair in one night, and then when the fifth book came out and we found out that there was a whole class of people that can do that kind of thing...

(This was another theory I read about after like the fourth or fifth book and made me go "Holy crap that would be so cool if true! But it totally isn't!": http://unplottables.wordpress.com/weasley-is-our-king/ )

I was totally angry about Remus and Tonk's deaths. I mean, I understand that there had to be casualties, but... why did they have to have died off screen? Couldn't JKR have written their awesome death scenes, instead of an aside, "BTW they're dead too"?


feral_shrew January 7 2011, 05:35:23 UTC
" Also, speaking of setups... I read an interesting theory a while back before the sixth book came out that hypothesized that Harry was also a metamorphagus. Remember the chapter with all of the accidental magic Harry did in his childhood? How the talking to snakes thing came back in the second book? Well, Harry did manage to grow back his hair in one night, and then when the fifth book came out and we found out that there was a whole class of people that can do that kind of thing..."

I don't believe he is, really, or he'd have done more with it. Hair-growing is a spell (like rampant tooth-growing), and as much as it'd be cool, he would have used it more than once in seventeen years.

Cool if true, yes, but... totally not a workable theory. One incident of chaotic magic does not a rare kind of supertalent make.

"I was totally angry about Remus and Tonk's deaths. I mean, I understand that there had to be casualties, but... why did they have to have died off screen? Couldn't JKR have written their awesome death scenes, instead of an aside, "BTW they're dead too"?"

OMG YES!!!! That's my feeling. If it didn't happen on-screen, it didn't happen. You don't "need" to let random characters die if you're only going to explain their deaths in post-book INTERVIEWS to say that Bella killed Tonks. (And seriously. Bella takes down Tonks, and MOLLY freaking WEASLEY takes out the most Black-deadly character in the book? Seriously.) She "had" to kill a Weasley because Arthur survived--bullshit. You occasionally get the dramatic urge to kill somebody off, but you only do it for a //purpose//. The cost of war is well-established, they've lost people, and losing one Weasley was more than enough "OMG why." (I'm putting up recs, soon-- "We Belong" on ff.net has the best OCs in Harry Potter, hands-down, and one central character is a canon character's non-canon character. Not normally done, but he's too awesome. Fred had a kid, and nine-ish years later that kid shows up looking for George after Katie Bell died.)

(Then Harry has kids and there's an American cousin of Snape's and Cedric Diggory's little brother, and the author turns cliche into a very cool (if slightly prolonged in the last book of it) setup.)


beboots January 7 2011, 05:44:33 UTC
I think that it was George's (or was it Fred's?) death that really got to me. I have a twin sister, you see, and the Weasley twins were awesome characters... Normally, I hate the cliché where twins act almost as a unit without real individual personalities, but JKR took the trope and made it INTERESTING again. And then she killed off not both, but just ONE twin. I can't imagine what the surviving twin must have been going through. ;_;


feral_shrew January 7 2011, 05:54:57 UTC
Fred died. And yeah-- killing off one... the two of them rocked the trope and used it to make fun of everybody around them. Gred and Forge, switching names constantly, always working on the same goals... I think it hurt even more after I was the one that found our set of twins at camp. We acted out Harry Potter like it was a historical site, and took a solid month for casting. (Fleur, awesomely, was this cornsilk-blonde Ukranian girl with the perfect accent and the ability to (literally) roll out of bed, stretch, pull on the first clothes that came to hand, and look like a supermodel. Ksusha looked like the intimidatingly popular sorority girl, but she was hilarious and had this very, very sly sense of humor-- I am going to make her a character someday.)

This story actually addresses years and years on, with Ron rather desperately trying to coax George into going for one more month/week/day. It doesn't get any better until Fred's kid shows up and needs a father. They shared everything, why not kids? (Draco also has a rather awesome role to play, where he's immensely helpful without being Gryffindor about it.)

If you're interested: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3840380/1/We_Belong

The first story is rather short (66,000 words), they get longer. The author takes some plotlines that could be hackneyed/overdone and makes them sparkling and just cool.


beboots January 7 2011, 05:58:51 UTC
(Acting out Harry Potter like that sounds AMAZING)

"They shared everything, why not kids?" Daaamn... that would be quite interesting, and possibly heart-wrenching. ;_;

"Draco also has a rather awesome role to play, where he's immensely helpful without being Gryffindor about it." Ooh... I love fics like that. :3 Draco can be on your side while still being a pompous dick!

Thanks for the rec! :)


feral_shrew January 7 2011, 06:11:42 UTC
"Daaamn... that would be quite interesting, and possibly heart-wrenching. ;_;"

A few idiots disapprove. George is unmoved, because he knows that Fred wouldn't want anybody else looking after his kid, and... it's so damn cute, seriously. Alf is a Weasley to the core. Even his name is a pun-- Fred's son is "'alf Fred." Best name ever.

"Ooh... I love fics like that. :3 Draco can be on your side while still being a pompous dick!"

OMG YES! That's why I love your Draco so much. He carries himself as self-assured and Always Right, even when you can /read his mind/ and know he's full of shit. But cute nonetheless.


beboots January 7 2011, 17:57:36 UTC
"Even his name is a pun-- Fred's son is "'alf Fred." Best name ever." *claps hands delightedly* I am irrationally amused by puns. :)

"OMG YES! That's why I love your Draco so much. He carries himself as self-assured and Always Right, even when you can /read his mind/ and know he's full of shit. But cute nonetheless." PRECISELY. That's why he has so much more appeal than fanon!Draco. It takes him a while to change his ways, but when he DOES you know he's sincere... and that's what makes it awesome. So when he finally, truly and irrevocably, comes down on the side of the light, you know it's a long time coming but it will be a Crowning Moment of Awesome.

(I just have to figure out when that will be. Possibly fourth year, what with the return of Voldemort?)


feral_shrew January 7 2011, 22:25:40 UTC
"PRECISELY. That's why he has so much more appeal than fanon!Draco. It takes him a while to change his ways, but when he DOES you know he's sincere... and that's what makes it awesome. So when he finally, truly and irrevocably, comes down on the side of the light, you know it's a long time coming but it will be a Crowning Moment of Awesome."

Fanon!Draco is... meh. I only like him when he's impossible and at best a redeemed racist. He CAN get there, and he will given the right push forward, but he isn't a happy little good boy that was just trying to make daddy proud. He was raised in that environment, and it matters--just like Harry might have been a bit less reckless if he had more reason to think that people would be upset when he was hurt.

TvTropes is the best site ever. Especially Zuko's page. I told a friend he was more tropes than I'd ever seen in one character that I still believed, and I was right. He's probably also Mary Sue past all hell, but he does it so damn well that it doesn't matter. All of his motivations make sense, all of his abilities/background fit nicely, and he's so adorably awkward that you can forgive a few things as sheer cluelessness.

Draco might realize belatedly that Harry had vanished with the Cup thing, and Voldemort was back about the same time, and something something Harry Potter's blood? (From school and Lucius and later Snape, perhaps)


beboots January 7 2011, 23:09:59 UTC
One of the most irritating aspects of fanon!Draco for me are the stories in which he suddenly likes muggles. Or at least muggle stuff. Like, he enjoys wearing jeans/watching muggle soap operas/driving flash cars, etc. Um, no. I'm pretty sure he'd be weirded out by the stuff, at least, and it would take a LONG TIME for him to get over his prejudices to acknowledge the usefulness of things like microwaves, but if there's a magical way of doing it, he'll stick to that instead of using muggle stuff. :P

I <3 TvTropes. They've made me a better writer just by being cognizant of these things.

I figure that Draco is much better versed in the dark arts this time around, and can do his own research. Also, memories of rumours/bragging from the Death Eaters who were there may help Draco figure out what happened, or at least make an educated guess. By this time, of course, he would be firmly working for Dumbledore because this is just the thing Draco DOES NOT WANT to happen.


feral_shrew January 7 2011, 23:19:02 UTC
"One of the most irritating aspects of fanon!Draco for me are the stories in which he suddenly likes muggles. Or at least muggle stuff. Like, he enjoys wearing jeans/watching muggle soap operas/driving flash cars, etc. Um, no. I'm pretty sure he'd be weirded out by the stuff, at least, and it would take a LONG TIME for him to get over his prejudices to acknowledge the usefulness of things like microwaves, but if there's a magical way of doing it, he'll stick to that instead of using muggle stuff. :P"

I can see him eventually coming around on things like very expensive cars and the orchestra-- money/status/culture. Fast cars are like brooms, or at least the convertibles are close enough, and a flying motorbike might be worth checking out. Orchestra... he might have the right background to know music, who knows. It's believable that he'd be surprised that Muggles could create like that, and Purebloods might have adopted Muggle composers as Wizarding and have no idea that Bach wrote for churches.

TVTropes makes me happy because I see those things, but didn't have the right vocabulary to explain them. I could pick apart the common parts of plotline when I was really little, which was probably why I liked mythology so much-- see? This story came from HERE so this is what it means. (I was a strange, strange child, but no one doubted I was going to be a nerd.)

Draco knows lots more Dark Arts, definitely, and he probably can have Snape backing him up on a few things that are very real. Actually, the best way to explain himself might be to explain the Dark Mark, well. Lucius would never have talked about it, Snape can verify that it's real, and it would convince Snape that something at least had been going on.


beboots January 7 2011, 23:30:23 UTC
Right, yes, Draco has to project wealth and class at all times. ;)

I really like the idea of Draco and Snape frankly discussing the dark arts. It may freak people out, though, when they slowly realize that, yes, Draco is indeed speaking from experience. Like, that conversation could be the thing that really convinces a member of the Order that Dumbledore isn't being crazy about this timetravelling kid thing. ;)


feral_shrew January 7 2011, 23:35:55 UTC
It would probably be insane to hear. Draco's this cute little 12/13 year old kid (ish?) when the Order (or some specific part) gets involved, but Dumbledore and Snape insist that he should be there to help.

Draco might also remember the entire muddle with Sirius Black. I don't think he'd think about his cousin/relative, at all, (first cousin once removed), but when he breaks out of Azkaban... "He was cleared later. It was somebody... not the werewolf, somebody else." Sirius's name might have been cleared after he was dead, if Pettigrew was ever killed, and Draco might even know Pettigrew from Death Eater things as the cringy wimp. CLearly not a Gryffindor, at least they have spine.


beboots January 8 2011, 18:53:30 UTC
Oh yeah, he probably would know! I'm sure that Sirius' death was cleared afterwards, and being relatives as well as Death Eaters, I'm sure that the Malfoys would have at least spoken about the "damn, he WASN'T working for the Dark Lord?" thing. ;) Draco totally would know who Pettigrew was (although maybe not about the animagus thing?) mostly because he seemed to be everyone's lackey at the Death Eater camps. Pettigrew don't get no respect. ;P


feral_shrew January 9 2011, 16:00:44 UTC
Draco would at least know that Pettigrew=Wormtail, but maybe not why. "Because he's a whiny little toady"-- he might not even know that Pettigrew was a Gryffindor, Draco probably would have laid money on Hufflepuff (the house that gets no respect).

And yeah. Sirius Black wasn't working for us? Really? That's disappointing, and his brother was such a promising young candidate (until he worked out just who Voldie's parents were.)


beboots January 9 2011, 17:45:41 UTC
"Draco would at least know that Pettigrew=Wormtail, but maybe not why. "Because he's a whiny little toady"-- he might not even know that Pettigrew was a Gryffindor, Draco probably would have laid money on Hufflepuff (the house that gets no respect)." THIS IS NOW FIC CANON. Of course, he only remembers all of this, really, when Dumbledore and Snape start asking him these kinds of important questions after they find out at the beginning of his second year. They ask things like "what has since come to light about the final years of the war?" and things, and the Pettigrew-Black thing was one of the first ones he can think of off of the top of his head. This is one of the first things in which Draco really proves his mettle, that this isn't just an elaborate ruse. Dumbledore needs to do a LOT of fact-checking about this. Possibly Sirius could get released early and possibly pardoned on the force of the evidence that Dumbledore finds? ... Which would also start a bunch of crazy changes, I suppose... And I wonder how Draco and Sirius would interact, possibly several summers after that, at Grimmauld Place?


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