Firefly/Avatar fusion: to continue

Jan 05, 2011 02:40

The response to the first scene has been amazing, and it's usually very easy to convince me to write more.

I've been on vacation for the last week. I didn't have access to the internet until the very end, but for a good part of the week I was puzzling out the rest of how I would need to cast various Avatar characters to fill the Firefly roles. Some of them have stayed firmly in place since the first draft (for anyone interested in a mild spoiler, Jet will be playing the role of Yosaffbridge), but others took until the last few days.

The plot is almost all in place. I'll be mirroring both shows very closely, but the overall plot is going to follow Firefly. That said, in War Stories alone, I'm pulling in elements from Blue Spirit, The Boiling Rock, Southern Raiders, and maybe hints of Crossroads of Destiny.

I probably won't be happy with the level of detail until I can get all my fiddly canon bits in order, which means both some fact-checking in Avatar and watching the Firefly episodes again. There will be more chapters, and there will be way more action than I want to think about writing, and I finally have the raw basics of my finale set in place.

I won't list everybody, but I'd like to give people an idea of just what's likely to come next. Not all casting choices are set in stone, and several are open to suggestion. If you have any ideas for an Avatar character that can be a convincing Jubal Early, please drop a note in the comments.

Explaining just why I chose specific characters for specific parts would turn this into a short novel, but I'll do my best to answer any questions about why I think characters belong where I placed them.

The Crew

Mal: Katara
Inara: Suki
Wash: Sokka
Zoe: Toph
Kaylee: Aang
Jayne: Mai
Book: Iroh
Simon: Zuko
River: Azula

Friends (Sometimes)

Badger: Xin Fu
Patience: Jun
Yosaffbridge: Jet
Mr. Universe: The Mechanist
(Small addition to the plot: Piandao has at least one appearance)

NOT Friends (Always)

"Two by two, hands of blue": "One alone, hands of stone," featuring the Dai Li's mindbenders
Niska: Zhao
Jubal Early: (yet to be casted, my temporary pick is The Warden-- not Mai's uncle, the other one. The one voiced by George Takei in season one)

The Alliance
  • Fire Lord Ozai
  • Water Lord Arnook
  • Earth Lord Kuei

They'll Probably Show Up Somewhere (Suggestions welcome)

Ty Lee
Gran-Gran (I can't think of a canon role, but she'll at least merit a mention)
Yue is mentioned, and that might be it
King Bumi
Madam Wu
Painted Lady
The Ember Island Players
Chong (just for Sokka) 
Lieutenant Jee

And, of course, featuring Appa playing the role of Serenity.

This was honestly meant to be a cute little one-chapter thing where I had fun with the characters. Zuko was the first Avatar character that I understood, and I knew from the very beginning that he has the Simon complex. No matter how much good he does, or how adorably awkward he is in going about it, somebody somewhere always wants to punch him in the face. Then there's the cute little sister that can kick his ass, who's at her most sane when telling Simon that he's an idiot, and Katara is the bossy, bad-tempered leader that used to be an optimist...

It turned into a story before I knew quite what I was doing. I think it'll be understandable even to people that have never seen a single episode of Firefly, but we'll see.

firefly, atla, fic:serenity, blather

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