Nah, the beauty of Tekken? You can PLAY only three minutes, and basically get the gist of the entire game ie, funfilled violence and guys in leather beating on each other and grappling. Unlike Final fantasy you don't NEED to do a million hours of gameplay to get the story. There's like five major videos you need to see form tekken to get it. And they all last... two minutes, tops. It's such a beautiful game in the spirit of ADD.
They... think it's a fad? Ahaha. Oh, funny. Yaoi fans outclass SO MANY OUT THERE, but considering most aussie fans are under 13, and dubbies, I don't actually pay them much attention since they're just not worth it. I also don't bother converting people since preaching never works. I stumbled into yaoi, and exponentially degenerated not because people preached to me, but because in some series, the het just DOESNT MAKE SENSE OR APPEAL and when you want the female to diediedie and feel the characters are just BETTER OFF GAY, that, is what works best. Gundam Wing converted many, Digimon too, in it's heyday and... not sure about others, Eva in its heyday did too since it's canon that Shinji's only bloody healthy love interest (*snort*, sad actually) was Kawru.
It's true, you cna't deconvert, but you do go from stages. You go from fangirl het, strange, over the top, bodice ripper (or I call it the "Manhood and Member" period) before you go over the edge and realise how utterly ridiculous ANY relationship of that genre is, realise that certain guys go better with other guys, then OF COURSE, all guys should go with other guys because women REALLY start to sound sucky, then you read the het written by slashers and go, maybe the heterosexual thing ISN'T all that bad, eventually to end up with, you know, any couple is fine as long as they can bloody well back it up but since most fictional women are slutty hos with bad personalities and tiny costumes, men are probably still better with men in MOST situations, but this doesn't stop certain females from being hot, READ: Angelina Jolie.
... yeah.
I'm doing BOTH this year, with APLOMB. It shall be great.
Woot for the wonderfull rant! I enjoy it, but mainly as a side note. If I hang around people who love it, then I tend to become immersed in the culture.
Oh, and by the way, thanks for all those beutifull fan-fic reviews :).
They... think it's a fad? Ahaha. Oh, funny. Yaoi fans outclass SO MANY OUT THERE, but considering most aussie fans are under 13, and dubbies, I don't actually pay them much attention since they're just not worth it. I also don't bother converting people since preaching never works. I stumbled into yaoi, and exponentially degenerated not because people preached to me, but because in some series, the het just DOESNT MAKE SENSE OR APPEAL and when you want the female to diediedie and feel the characters are just BETTER OFF GAY, that, is what works best. Gundam Wing converted many, Digimon too, in it's heyday and... not sure about others, Eva in its heyday did too since it's canon that Shinji's only bloody healthy love interest (*snort*, sad actually) was Kawru.
It's true, you cna't deconvert, but you do go from stages. You go from fangirl het, strange, over the top, bodice ripper (or I call it the "Manhood and Member" period) before you go over the edge and realise how utterly ridiculous ANY relationship of that genre is, realise that certain guys go better with other guys, then OF COURSE, all guys should go with other guys because women REALLY start to sound sucky, then you read the het written by slashers and go, maybe the heterosexual thing ISN'T all that bad, eventually to end up with, you know, any couple is fine as long as they can bloody well back it up but since most fictional women are slutty hos with bad personalities and tiny costumes, men are probably still better with men in MOST situations, but this doesn't stop certain females from being hot, READ: Angelina Jolie.
... yeah.
I'm doing BOTH this year, with APLOMB. It shall be great.
Oh, and by the way, thanks for all those beutifull fan-fic reviews :).
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