Aug 29, 2009 14:46
Ok i tired this earlier. Hello after yet another long absense. Not been up to much untill lately.
I had my first experioance of paint balling the other weekend with my x Anna. It was for her birthday which is actually 29th oct. However she has no inclenation towards runing through a wood in autum/winter. I only got hit twice and the other times i ran out of ammo. its no fun when ppl cheat and do go out when hit. One of the hit i took did not count as it was ahead shot in the pressure point at the bavck of the jaw. the other i took was to the knee. Sadly non of the marks survived past the day so no bruises to show for my heroism. :(
Now what will leave a mark :D
I had my elbow operated on yesterday 2 remove a piece of chipped bone i have had floating about bugging me for between a year and a year and a half. they opened me right up as it was explorative surgery. Should have a nice scar :D
I am so far not taking the painkillers they gave me. Its bloody sore but im a firm believer in u should experience ur bodies pain unless it is hindering u too much such as if u really need to sleep. I believe the more pain u r forced to endure the less it hinders u.
Maybe thats my inner Spartan speaking lol. Oh one of th nurses was quite nice she had beautiful green eyes. Same old weekness :D
I have now been total without chocolate for a few months. I have dropped from 98kgs to 89.4kgs putting my just above 14st. My old fight weight was 86kg. Im happy with my weight but need to still loose the bit of belly that remains and build onmy muscle mass. also cardio is a must. Sadly with my elbow the way it is i can excerise too much to avoid gettign the dressing wet and weight training is well out for 2 weeks. I have 2 weeks off work so will have to try find something to pass the time.