Nov 09, 2005 22:50
today, i went to help a friend of mine (older lady) named Pat with getting some charity stuff on eBay. there were any number of issues that came up with the computer stuff, so that didn't happen. at one point, i was wrestling with the cable connection (after having wrestled with the scanner and the photo editting program), and she goes "god, this is insane; no wonder you're weird!" i take it as a compliment.
also, my dad approached me the other day and asked me what i wante done with my remains if something were to happen to me and i were to die. i thought for a second (these aren't the types of things you consider at 22 years of age) and then decided, "donate my organs. then, cremate me, and throw me in the ocean." it has just now occurred to me that this is a strange conversation to have. and i'm still trying to figure out what exactly caused my father to randomly walk up to me and ask this question.
i haven't been able to tune in jack shit on the radio today until just now. i need music. good music. i suffer without it. but i'm all better now, so no need to send flowers.
also, i have stopped bothering to capitalize things that are not proper names. because i am lazy. and because this is my journal and i'll do it however i goddamn well please. fuckers. CAPITALIZATION NAZIS!!
face-down in a puddle of respect