WoW! What a weekend!! I had a blast! Had evening drinks and following morning, breakfast with three Starwars actors, Paul Blake (Greedo), Rusty Goffe (Jawa), and Gerald Home (Tessek and Admiral Ackbar). They all signed my armour too. Great to meet club members too and share an evening together just chilling out. I'm now battle sore, bruised but very very happy!
I made a kid cry just by walking past, I stole a sweet and a balloon of two kids ( but returned them!!), I mimicked shooting a statue of ET, I arrested a whole bunch of students who knelt b4 me hands on heads!
Perhaps I should changed my preffession to actress?????!
I had loads of kids ask to have their picture taken with me and I signed loads of autographs too! But enough talk, watch the video!
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That was Rusty Goffe in the background. A great guy who loves Chinese food!