The littlest birds

Apr 09, 2010 16:25


Thank you very much nuclearsugars for the awesome postcard you sent me. It contained good luck and good wishes for finishing my dissertation. However, due to the post in both countries being a bit shit, I got it just after I submitted. There was something really lovely about that - when you wrote the card I was panicking, by the time I read it the panic was over. For some reason I can't quite articulate this is lovely. ♥

Also, thank you so much mushroom18 for the gift of a confused-looking virtual puppy today! ♥


A meme.

The idea is, comment here and I will give you a colour. Then, in your journal, list ten things you love that are that colour.

nuclearsugars gave me COMMUNIST RED!

  1. Merlin's neckerchief
  2. Chillies
  3. My hair when I was 19 or so
  4. Ampelmann
  5. Red tinted lipglass by MAC (this for preference
  6. Lindor truffles (just the packaging, but they totally count)
  7. Mars, as in the planet
  8. My default icon
  9. Red wine (OK, it's more dark red, but fuck it, I'm running out of ideas here)
  10. Thai red curry


I saw a fun film last week, called Kick-Ass. Spoilery comments under the cut.

The film centres around Dave, who decides to become a superhero vigilante. On his first outing as Kick-Ass, he is beaten and stabbed by the thugs he is attempting to stop. I liked this, because that is what would happen if you did try and fight crime in a stupid outfit, isn't it?

Anyway, so various other things happen and he gets marginally better at crimefighting and teams up with a guy named Red Mist who will be his nemesis in future movies assuming this does well in America. Blah blah.

Anyway, so the movie is about Dave aka Kick-Ass, but arguably the real hero of the piece is Hit Girl, an 11-year-old girl who is being trained up as a superhero by her father, Big Daddy (played wonderfully by Nicolas Cage doing a Batman impression). She is just awesome. The film doesn't really have many strong female characters (just a somewhat needless love interest for Dave, who has the potential to be interesting except that she ends up relegated to love interest, as is so often the case) and certainly doesn't pass the Bechdel test, but she manages to make up for that. She is strong, and tough, and funny, and clever, and cunning, and vengeful, and eleven years old, and doesn't come close to being a Mary Sue (IMO). Moreover, she is ridiculously violent and foul-mouthed (one of the best parts of the film is when she leaps through the window of a crack den, guns blazing, and says, "OK, you cunts, let's see what you can do". Completely gratuitous and therefore extremely funny). One of the climactic scenes involves Kick-Ass and Red Mist ineffectually hitting each other with swords in a side room while Hit Girl takes on a mafia boss for real.

The film overall is stupidly rude and violent, in an utterly cartoonish way. (The only violent part I had trouble with was when Kick-Ass and Big Daddy are snatched by the gang and savagely beaten - that part was like real gang violence and I found it difficult to view.) Also, since seeing it, I find myself more and more interested in reading the comic, not least because I'm told the mild slashy subtext between Kick-Ass and Red Mist I spotted in the film is more blatant there. (And yes, I may have already read me some fic. Ahem. Oh fuck it, have a rec.)

In conclusion: shallow and stupid and extremely enjoyable. Also it has a jet-pack in it. Nine and a half ninja stars out of a possible ten.


evil_underlord and I have been rewatching Doctor Who. We are almost at the end of the third series (with Martha in it). Between this and last week's repeats of The End of Time, I am craving - CRAVING - some Doctor/Master fic. (Nothing will convince me that they weren't lovers at some point. They so so were.) Does anyone have any recs?


On that note, spoilery remarks on the new series.

It was awesome, wasn't it? I love Eleven already (I admit I was apprehensive) and I like Amy so far too. I agree with others who have said that while Ten was great, he was just too angsty and sad by the end, and it was nice to have someone new and bouncy taking his place. I LOVE the new steampunky TARDIS with the taps and typewriter built in. I adored the part where he asked the giant eye thing "Is it protected?" and then showed all the previous Doctors and then he stepped through... brilliant bit of continuity. Overall, YES and I am really excited for the rest of the series. MOAR PLEASE.


I got my hair cut last week. While I was there I got chatting with the stylist, and long story short, he assumed I was 21 or 22. I will be 28 next month. Result. :D


Happy weekend, everyone! What will you be up to? (Me, I'll be playing more Heroic Bishie.)

memey goodness, hoyay, doctore whu, comics, miscellany, kick-ass, reviews, film

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