A huge sigh of relief.

Mar 24, 2010 17:04

Yesterday at around 12.40pm I finished my dissertation. It's being bound right now and will go in the post first thing tomorrow.

I debated inserting some wangst here, but I'm not sure I have the energy. Suffice to say, the last four years (four years FFS) have been incredibly stressful and difficult, and I'm not sure whether I'll do anything else like this in the future (assuming I get the chance; I might fail yet). But at least I saw it through. Now to begin my grand plan of Getting My Life Back.

Here are some things I am going to do as part of this grand plan:

+ Rediscover sleep.

+ Likewise bars.

+ Likewise parties.

+ Likewise sex.

+ Knit things for various friends' currently gestating babies. I have no interest in babies of my own, but making stuff for other people's? DO WANT. I've already made a hat and a pair of bootees. Also, two of said babies will be the Underlord's nieces/nephews, so we are plotting ways to geekify them. I'm hoping they are a boy and a girl so I can dress them as Luke and Leia. :]

+ Make tat out of resin.

+ Set up Etsy store and flog said tat to anyone willing to pay for it.

+ Finish some of the fics that have been lurking on my hard drive for the last four years or so.

+ Conclude the HBP Uberwank. (Worth it? Does anyone actually want to read it? Well, I'll definitely post what I've already written, and I'll see how I feel about the rest of it.)

+ Update wardrobe. Buy new jeans, sneakers, accessories.

+ Bake cakes. I have begun this already by whipping up a batch of brownies last night. I consumed a lot of batter in the process.

+ Plan tattoo. Currently trying to decide whether incorporating cherry blossom is too weeaboo.

+ Swim twice a week and get fit again. I have bought a waterproof mp3 player for this purpose.

+ Get hair cut, possibly dye it radical new colour. It's currently a fucking disgrace.

+ Actually clean the fucking house for once. (Not very likely.)

+ Play Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess through again. I am currently accepting suggestions as to what to name my dude. Last time the dude was called Bishie and the horse was called Brooks, but I want something different this time. Hilarity welcome.

+ Obtain DVDs of Supernatural; watch at last.

+ Learn CSS and make the journal layout I've always dreamed of.

I reserve the right not to do any of this. Well, except perhaps the sleeping.

How are you?

your mom goes to college

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