Pebbledash and crap to fill time

Jun 01, 2006 17:04

I posted a comment to a Beeb news article about alternatives to milk - and for once they published it. Go me! (NB: scroll down, I'm under this username not my real name.)

Sometimes I wish it was possible to engage in proper debate on these articles, since I'd rather like to ask the poster above me what evidence there is to link milk with cancer. On the other hand, the Beeb news does have a specific "Have Your Say" section which works more like a proper message board - but you end up with all manner of right-wing wankers spouting netspeak vitriol on there (usually along the lines of "yet another example of the nanny staet medling in our lives.would b nice if homos relized they r not like rael men!!!!!!1and camila is not diana, she shoul not b queeen") and that makes me cross and, moreover, stops me doing any work.

In other news, another "No shit, Sherlock" moment. (Apparently you can get the code from Quizilla as long as you click enough links.)

What type of RemusSirius shipper are you?

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fangirling, randomage, vitriol, quizzes

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