Yay America! Knew you could do it. ♥ Thank you for doing the right thing. And I know there's an argument that non-Americans should just keep their noses out, but honestly, what the US does affects the rest of us in very real ways, so we do have a stake in it. So, yeah. Thanks
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Gay marriage: Hopefully, Obama'll legalize it for the nation so, unless California decides to be the only state not letting them get married, I don't think it should be too much of an issue. We'll see.
I ♥ Palin as President. The shredder is hilarious. MAVRICK!
Also, there was a discussion on the Intarwebz in which people were saying how if we legalize gay marriage, we should legalize incestuous marriage as well. Although I'm definitely for the former and against the latter -- because the former hurts no one while incest hurts the kids as they might be born with disabilities -- it was still an interesting point.
"You can't hide from me, Gotcha media!" "Palinized."
And I agree. I don't even know if there are some people who want to have incest legalized hard enough to try to make it happen. It's very different for gay marriage, of course. Which makes this whole situation utterly ridiculous.
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