Recent things I made (for a certain value of recent)

Feb 19, 2013 14:58

Fuck me, it's been ages since I posted anything I've made,
imadeathing notwithstanding. Have a picspam!

Applique bird cushions made for my de facto sister-in-law's civil partnership back in June. Calico, African schwe-schwe fabric (they have African heritage), and vintage buttons. Aww yiss.

My mother-in-law was 60 this summer so I made her this quilt. It was supposed to be lap-sized but it came out a bit small, so it's more like a wall hanging. A lot of the fabrics making up the leaves were scraps from other projects.

The story behind this one: when my friend N was young, her brother was flashed by some dirty old fucker. (He was fine and is still fine.) The police were summoned, and while questioning the brother, asked, "Did you see his..." and then, realising they didn't know the appropriate word to use for penis, glanced at their mother. She drew herself up to her full height and declared grandly, "We call it a tiddler in this house!" The phrase became a family legend, so I decided to embroider it onto a sampler for N's birthday. :D

Made this quilt for my friend Zee for her 30th birthday. She lives in South Africa and I went to visit her, so carried it over in my luggage, which I'm not sure I would do again as a full-sized quilt is enormous. :P Nonetheless, it arrived in one piece. It is 225 15cm squares and almost all are different. She loves tea, so it's backed with teapot-print fabric.

This was our first Christmas in our new house that we BOUGHT and that is OURS and no fucking landlord is taking money off us for, so I wanted to decorate properly and I made this bunting accordingly. The words are from one of my favourite carols, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. (I'm an atheist, but I love me some Christmas carols.)

Made two of these, one for my nephew and one for my cousin's baby. The pattern is Baby Sophisticate which is free on Ravelry.

A cushion commission for a friend who wanted bright colours. The red in this is a Liberty print I got for Christmas and can barely bring myself to cut into, I love it so much. The pink is another schwe-schwe I bought in South Africa. Fabric there was unbelievably cheap, so I came home with metres and metres of the stuff.

I wish I had a better picture of this one in which my other half hadn't just been distracted by the cat. I am so fucking proud of this sweater! Icelandic wool I bought back in February of last year; a pattern I designed myself; inspiration from The Wind Waker and the traditional Scandinavian jumper led to this. Like I say, proud as hell. :3 I think he looks rather fetching in it.

Finally, I finished this last night! It is baby or lap sized and for once it won't be a gift. I'm going to list it in my Etsy shop (once I've taken a few good pictures).

There are loads of other things I've made too and haven't photographed! Cushions made from wedding bunting I got commissioned to do right before Christmas, several pairs of mittens, scarves, a wrap... I wish I'd taken pictures.

sewing, heroic bishie, embroidery, knitting, craft, picspam

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