(Well, it used to be a council estate, though it's mostly privately owned now, as far as I can tell.)
We have moved! We have left renting behind, hopefully forever. We have our own house and nobody can sell it out from under us, or evict us, or let themselves in to look around, or redecorate without our permission, or tell us we're not keeping it clean enough, or take money away from us for no reason.
We got the keys on Friday 17th and moved in the following Tuesday. In the interim we painted and painted and painted, and also sanded and ripped up carpets and caulked and cleaned and packed.
(Moving was stressful and shitty and I will say nothing of it here. Also, letting agents are twunts. That is all.)
Anyway! Good things! Here are some pictures.
The house! This is from the front. The entrance door is on the left.
The stairs and landing, before we moved in. Dirty beige carpet and weird sludgy green on the walls. You can also see the dark brown floor in one of the bedrooms.
The first thing I did once we had the keys: rip up the carpet!
... And painted the stairs. I did every other one so we could walk on the ones in between. This weekend I will do the rest.
We also painted the floor in the front bedroom, which will become our craft room/studio. When we've got that room sorted, I'll post before/after pictures, but suffice to say it was dark and cramped.
This is the garden as it is now.
And this is how it was in spring when we viewed the house. The garden is one of the few things I preferred before! But nobody lived in the house all summer, so the garden is very overgrown. We are going to begin work on it in the next few weeks. Eventually there will be chickens at the back.
This is my Victorian mirror. It used to be dark brown and grubby, but my mother gave it a lick of paint and now it looks beautiful IMO. This also shows the colour we painted the living room - a warm light grey.
This is a corner of the living room, before we got our hands on it. There are two little shelves in the middle of the wall - a bit useless, really.
And here it is afterwards. The shelves are reclaimed wood and cost hardly anything. The brackets we had to get from the DIY store and they cost a bomb. Ffffff! Still. I am going to refer to this corner as the library. XD
Still to do: finish painting the stairs and upstairs floors; get the roof fixed; completely remodel the bathroom (it's small and damp and smells of white spirit and drains at the moment), tile the hearth, sort out the craft room completely including buying myself a table for sewing and a desk for resin-work, make curtains, and remember to keep it clean and tidy. Oh, and we're getting a cat tonight. (I'm so nervous, what if I step on the cat or hoover up the cat or set the cat on fire, but also, CAT!)
In summary: tired and oh god scary, but what a wonderful adventure, and how lucky we are to be embarking on it. :3