I have a new layout, courtesy of
velvetb0x. I made a few changes - added a background image and so on. It still needs a few things doing to it (I don't like all these heart-shaped icons, for example) but overall I like it and I am pleased with myself for making changes to the CSS and not burning down the internet. \o/
Meanwhile, day ten. I like it when these are easy.
Today I am wearing:
★ Black pants, boyshort style, with a picture of Russian dolls on them.
★ Black bra with little blue flowers.
★ Black vest top with lacy edging.
★ Purple t-shirt with a pleasantly steampunk-lite design, featuring a time machine and a dinosaur and a robot and things. In fact, it's
this one. It is one of my favourite shirts.
★ Black (well, dark grey due to washing) cropped jeans.
★ Bright pink/red/orange/purple striped socks, which are hidden by:
★ Awesome brown suede boots which have laces and two zips on each boot, and a slight heel and a rounded toe and they are ace and I like to pretend I could kick your arse when I'm wearing them.
★ Brown angora jumper, slightly shrunken/felted from being put in the washing machine on a normal cycle when it shouldn't have been. I don't mind because it means I don't end up covered in fluff.
★ Usual sundry items: glasses, silver ring (which is just a random thing I wear, not a purity ring or an engagement ring or anything so people need to stop asking), piercing jewellery.