Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings by which I mean WANGSTING

Oct 13, 2010 15:36

I've been shit about actually posting anything recently, because I have either been busy with boring work things and therefore too tired, or else bored and depressed and therefore not motivated enough to bother saying anything.

I did start writing a long post about cynicism, and about apathy, and about how the worst thing we can do in the fight for equality and respect for everyone is give up or get jaded, but the whole post came out sounding wrong and preachy and I, er, gave up writing it. :/

Then I started trying to fill in the answers for one of those one-post-per-day, month-long memes (clearly, cheating; I wanted to start on some of the questions in advance to make it easier) but I fell down at the second question, which was immediately impossible to answer.

I can't seem to draw at the moment, either. I have ideas in my head, but they won't come out right, or they're just too complicated. When I'm falling asleep at night they start appearing more clearly - not only the drawings themselves but the text too - but in the light of day I can't make them happen. Same with fic in general. I have no ideas, or where I do have ideas I can't make them work. I get oddly self-conscious as soon as I begin to write, and have to stop. Fun fact: I have something like thirty fics on my computer that I've started and never finished. Some of them are quite good.

I need a fucking break. This is going to sound so diva-ish and bratty, but I haven't had any time to myself for ages, and all the time I've taken off in the last year has been for the sake of other people (e.g. visiting the Underlord's family in Germany, which was interesting but not really a holiday). I need, like, a month ON MY OWN, to watch TV and make things and drink tea and sleep in and re-learn how to relax.


+ I impulse-bought a sewing machine last week. :3 I might try for a quilt. I like this; it looks like a (relative piece) of piss.

+ I'm currently fixated on tattoos. Like, whenever I'm vegging around and not thinking about much - knitting, say, or staring into space - my mind seems to wander back to imagining it. Like, the feel of the needle scraping into my skin, the bleeding, the pain, the permanence. I need this sorted out SOON. Note to self: just pick a fucking design already. (Straw poll. Thoughts on tattooed feet?)

+ Listed some new shit on my Etsy store. All brooches right now, but I'm currently working on some cufflinks, necklaces, and charm bracelets to add. Again, I need more TIME.

+ This is the worst post ever, sorry about that.

boredom, wangst, craft, self-pity

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