April 30
Traded with Chupi: mv-itswar11 for photo-expectation11
Traded with Maitland: mv-catchme12 for artist-daesung15
April 29
Traded with Bunny: mv-juliettejv05 for mv-historym11 and member cards
Traded with Cassidy: edit-vgirlnovember201194 for mv-illailla08
Traded with Chupi: photo-fantasticparty19 for photo-twinkle11
April 28
New decks: artist-victoriasong14, artist-krystaljung17, artist-lizzy08, artist-nicolejung08.
Reward for questions: mv-juliettejv19, group-shinee06, edit-hommesaugust201202
Level Up: artist-daesung15, mv-timeisoverjv16, artist-parkgyuri10, artist-kimhyunjoong01, group-shinee05
Fill the Blanks: edit-mensoctober200907, artist-jungyunho12, group-ukiss14, 300 won
Whos That Star: mv-forbiddenlove19, ad-suithousefall201120, mv-thedaybefore18
Translation: actor-parkshinhye19, photo-bigbangisgreat08, 100 won
Wheel: mv-lupin18, mv-historym11, photo-letsfly17
MV Identifier: edit-bazaaraugust201207, edit-ceciseptember201210, mv-poison08, artist-leetaemin16, 300 won
Hangman: drama-protecttheboss07, photo-twinkle11
Memory: group-aoa16, drama-yourebeautiful02, 100 won
Lottery: artist-victoriasong19, edit-vgirlnovember201106, 100 won
1 Choice Card (-700 Won): group-shinee14
Traded with Risa: drama-tothebeautifulyou08, mv-juliettejv20, photo-dreamgirl04 for photo-theboys05, photo-dreamgirl11, artist-raina18
Traded with Enni: artist-leetaemin07, drama-tothebeautifulyou14 for mv-koewokikasetejv20, mv-spy08 and member cards
Traded with Chii: photo-dreamgirl08 for ad-jestinaspring201213
April 27
Traded with Tsurumi: group-mblaq05 for mv-badman02
Traded with Osanity: mv-itswar19 for artist-leetaemin11
Traded with Bunny: mv-sherlock18 for mv-forbiddenlove17
April 26
Traded with Icera: group-mblaq16, artist-luna07 for ad-jestinaspring201203, ad-jestinaspring201213
Traded with Kiss: photo-dreamgirl16,edit-vgirlnovember201102 for my mv-lupin01, mv-lupin12 and member cards.
April 25
Card Pot: artist-nana10, mv-catchme07 (-photo-expectation11, group-infinite08)
Blackjack (2nd): mv-girlspowerjv12, mv-twinkle17
Freebies (2nd): mv-paradise14, mv-idontneedaman20, artist-choisooyoung02, artist-daesung05
Wheel: group-superjunior04, mv-shanghairomance12
Wheel (2nd): drama-coffeeprince06, artist-kimhyoyeon01, artist-boa15
Lottery: mv-theboys19, artist-choisooyoung05, group-superjunior08, 100 won
Lottery (2nd): artist-leehongki11, photo-whatareyoudoing04, drama-tothebeautifulyou07, 100 won
Hangman: artist-kimhyoyeon13, artist-kimhyungjun05
Hangman (2nd): edit-mclairemay201006, edit-ceciapril200903
Puzzle (2nd): mv-poison13, artist-kevinwoo09, mv-hitu02, 200 won
Memory: mv-forbiddenlove17, edit-vgirlnovember201110, 100 won
Memory (2nd): mv-iloveyou18, artist-fatcat02, 100 won
Stamp Card: group-ss50109, ep-rooftopprince111, edit-vgirlnovember201108, cd-shineesjp3
Traded with Cassidy: group-ukiss09 for mv-badman05
April 24
Traded with Samichan: mv-sherlock20, group-ukiss04, group-ukiss08 for artist-top18, mv-rundevilrun12, mv-face06
April 23
Traded with Ayay: mv-sherlock12, drama-tothebeautifulyou03 for actor-nominwoo10, actor-nominwoo16
Traded with Osanity: mv-itswar05, edithommesaugust201210 for group-shinee12, artist-kimkyujong14
Traded with Risa: mv-sherlock15, group-ukiss01 for artist-kimjonghyun14, artist-sulli05
April 22
Karaoke: group-infinite08, artist-uee10, drama-rooftopprince10, 300 won
Freebies: photo-everyday09, mv-girlspowerjv16, group-hellovenus10, mv-bbiribombberibom07
Blackjack: artist-kimkyujong14, mv-babyimsorry13
Release Date: mv-nillilimambo16, mv-rundevilrun12, drama-dreamhigh15, mv-twinkle14, 200 won
Puzzle: mv-lupin12, photo-aclass03, mv-hitu09, 200 won
Higher or Lower: edit-hommesaugust201203, 300 won
KDrama Recognition: mv-loveismove09, mv-paradise06, mv-bloom04, edit-ellejuly201204, 100 won
Warped: mv-fantasticbaby18, mv-alone20, actor-nominwoo16
April 19
Traded with Todoke: artist-luna06, photo-dreamgirl14, artist-leetaemin18, group-ukiss16 for actor-janggeunsuk15, group-cnblue06, ep-rooftopprince105, drama-coffeeprince03 and member cards
Traded with Uyuki: mv-itswar06, artist-kimjonghyun14 for mv-fiction10, photo-mastermind20 and member cards
April 15
Traded with Samichan: mv-juliettejv13, mv-juliettejv17 for group-b1a403, mv-history11
Traded with Tsurumi: artist-luna01 for artist-juniel13
April 14
Card Pot: artist-hyomin17 (-artist-kimseheon13)
MV Identifier: group-ss50102, mv-bemine17, artist-boa02, artist-xiahjunsu17, 300 won
Translation: mv-catchme17, photo-iloveyou14, 100 won
Hangman: mv-tellme17, artist-kevinwoo05
Lottery: mv-badman05, photo-dreamgirl11, artist-seohyun04, 100 won
Fill the Blanks: photo-expectation11, group-dbsk07, artist-maxchangmin11, 300 won
Wheel: actor-nominwoo10, mv-isbeingpretty03, 100 won
Memory: mv-alone16, group-b1a403, 100 won
Whos That Star: artist-alice11, mv-loveismove19, artist-ukwon16
Weekly Question: 1000 won, group-shinee17
New Decks: artist-sulli05, artist-raina18, photo-theboys05, ad-jestinafall201107
April 11
Card Pack(-700 Won): artist-seohyun19, artist-baesuzy04, artist-kimhyoyeon01, artist-kimhyoyeon20
Card Pack(-700 Won): mv-paradox06, mv-lupin01, mv-poison14, mv-koewokikasetejv20
Traded with Cassidy: mv-dreamgirl09 for mv-inmyheadjv08
Traded with Helix: artist-kimjonghyun10 for photo-oneshot14 and member cards.
April 10
Mastery (mv-hello): group-sunnyhill04, photo-dreamgirl15, group-orangecaramel13, ad-jestinaspring201213, ad-jestinaspring201210, group-shinee04
Stamp Card: group-jjproject15, artist-parkbom19, mv-imaokuritaijv06
Traded with Taliana: artist-luna18 for mv-screamjv02 and member cards
Traded with Osanity: artist-luna03 for my artist-kimkyujong17 and member cards
April 9
Traded with Risa: mv-juliettejv01, mv-juliettejv08, mv-juliettejv12, artist-luna16, edit-hommesaugust201208 for artist-kimjonghyun09, photo-oh11, edit-voguedecember201101, photo-itsshowtime02, edit-ellejuly201208
Traded with Ayay: group-mblaq15, mv-itswar03, mv-itswar15, mv-itswar20 for actor-nominwoo01, actor-nominwoo09, artist-choisooyoung11, artist-guhara06
April 8
Traded with Maitland: artist-luna13 for group-blockb07
Traded with Chupi: mv-ringdingdong17 for edit-ellejuly201204
Traded with Icera: artist-luna05 for artist-seohyun17
Traded with Bear: mv-dreamgirl02, mv-sherlock14 for edit-bazaaraugust201207, photo-fantasticjourney16
April 7
New Decks: artist-kevinwoo04, artist-kimjonghyun09, artist-luna11, artist-ailee01, artist-nana16, mv-genie06
Blackjack: mv-poison04, photo-fantasticjourney16
Puzzle: mv-badman02, photo-oneshot14, edit-voguedecember201101, 200 won
Freebies: mv-isbeingpretty20, artist-tiffanyhwang02, artist-juniel13, photo-expectation11
Karaoke: artist-sunnylee08, artist-nana09, group-afterschool14, 300 won
KDrama Recognition: mv-dreamgirl11, group-ss50118, mv-idontneedaman15, group-infinite08, 100 won
Higher or Lower: photo-itsshowtime02, 300 won
Warped: group-eve10, artist-nana02, artist-leetaemin11
Release Date: artist-iu04, ad-jestinaspring201213, artist-luna19, edit-ellejuly201208, 200 won
Traded with Chii: mv-sherlock03 for your mv-genie06
Traded with Cassidy: artist-luna20, group-exok08 for edit-cecijanuary201302, mv-fool03
April 6
Traded with Chupi: photo-oh11 for mv-igotaboy06 and member cards
Traded with Drennie: mv-ringdingdong13 for group-afterschool13
April 4
Group Collect: mv-fiction10, group-trax02
Traded with Tsurumi: mv-ringdingdong15 for mv-oh13
April 3
Stamp Card: mv-shanghairomance03, artist-maxchangmin19, artist-hameunjung04
Card Pot: mv-hurricanevenus19 (mv-face15)
2 Choice Cards (-1400 Won): mv-hello02, mv-hello14
Traded with Mo Li: mv-ringdingdong12 for artist-leehongki08
Traded with Chii: edit-hommesaugust201203, drama-tothebeautifulyou15 for mv-flowerpowerjv16, artist-sunnylee13
Traded with Drennie: mv-sherlock05, mv-itswar13 for your mv-hush02, artist-kimhyoyeon15 and member cards
April 2
Goodie pack: group-shinee01, artist-leetaemin05, photo-dreamgirl18, actor-songjoongki12, drama-tothebeautifulyou09
Traded with Chii: mv-sherlock06, mv-juliettejv07 for ad-casiobabyg12, photo-igotaboy18
Traded with Icera: photo-dreamgirl17, mv-ringdingdong11, mv-dreamgirl19 for mv-oh08, mv-geniejv16, artist-kimtaeyeon18 + member cards
Traded with Samichan: mv-hello13, mv-sherlock10, mv-sherlock19 for mv-hello17, mv-rundevilrun04, artist-kimkyujong14
Traded with Risa: mv-hello19 for my photo-dreamgirl17
April 1
New Decks: mv-inmyheadjv08, mv-flowerpowerjv16, artist-sunnylee13, artist-kimhyoyeon15, mv-illailla08, mv-lupin12
Goodie pack: 2 MVs Card. mv-hello10 and mv-hello15
Fill the Blanks: artist-seohyun17, mv-whatareyoudoing06, mv-2hot03, 300 won
Lottery: mv-fool03, mv-shyboy05, group-shinee12, 100 won
MV Identifier: ad-jestinaspring201203, mv-werewithyou04, mv-oh13, mv-screamjv02, 300 won
Translation: mv-abracadabra07, mv-rundevilrun04, 100 won
Whos That Star: artist-leehongki08, mv-tarantallegra14, edit-cecijanuary201302
Wheel: actor-nominwoo01, artist-kimkyujong14, mv-topgirl17
Memory: artist-parkbom05, group-wondergirls06, 100 won
Hangman: photo-mastermind20, actor-nominwoo09