(no subject)

Apr 15, 2008 13:32

Just in case, Mordenklainen = me

<@Mordenklainen> you won't believe this :<
<@Mordenklainen> I'd tell it now but then you'd have a wall of text
<@Mordenklainen> and probably wouldn't read it
<@Mordenklainen> so I'll just wait
<@Mordenklainen> patiently
<@Mordenklainen> for your return
<@bitemarkk> :DD
<@bitemarkk> tell it tell it
<@bitemarkk> tell me it to me
<@Mordenklainen> so I get to the dentist
<@Mordenklainen> which is like a house really
<@bitemarkk> the appointment wasn't today, was it?
<@Mordenklainen> not a proper place
<@Mordenklainen> yes it was
<@Mordenklainen> so I get there
<@bitemarkk> fn
<@bitemarkk> k
<@Mordenklainen> there's like a fence and a front garden
<@Mordenklainen> so you gotta ring teh bell there first
<@Mordenklainen> I'm about to
<@Mordenklainen> and I see a man come out
<@Mordenklainen> he seems familiar
<@Mordenklainen> he looks at me and asks if I'm Federico
<@Mordenklainen> I go all o_O_o_O yes
<@Mordenklainen> and he says
<@Mordenklainen> oh sorry d00d, talk to ma secretary
<@Mordenklainen> and gets in his car and leaves
<@Mordenklainen> :|
<@Mordenklainen> so I get there and start thinkin
<@Mordenklainen> please make that not be my dentist
<@bitemarkk> hahaha
<@Mordenklainen> but it was
<@Mordenklainen> and the girl there is all
<@Mordenklainen> oh ROFL OWNED
<@Mordenklainen> he jes leaved
<@Mordenklainen> his wife called
<@bitemarkk> hahahah
<@Mordenklainen> cause she's a pregnant bitch
<@Mordenklainen> who can't take care of herself
<@Mordenklainen> :@@@@@
<@Mordenklainen> LIKE
<@bitemarkk> hahahah :DD
<@Mordenklainen> :(
<@bitemarkk> that had to happen to someone
<@bitemarkk> and we're the kind of people that kind of thing happens to
<@bitemarkk> DD:
<@Mordenklainen> we indeed are
<@bitemarkk> like when you're in a line with your friend trying to get into some place
<@bitemarkk> and they're letting people in few by few
<@bitemarkk> and when it's you and your friends' turn
<@bitemarkk> all your friends get in
<@bitemarkk> but you have to wait
<@Mordenklainen> actually
<@Mordenklainen> in those cases
<@Mordenklainen> it's the other way around with me
<@Mordenklainen> it's me getting in
<@Mordenklainen> and all my friends have to wait
<@bitemarkk> nah, i'm always the last one in lines :<
<@Mordenklainen> which is sucky too
<@Mordenklainen> aw
<@bitemarkk> your dentist is like most dentists here then btw D:
<@bitemarkk> just a hauss

<@Mordenklainen> DINNER->
<@ffffetS> lol ok gogo
<@Mordenklainen> back
<@ffffetS> wbwb
<@Mordenklainen> tyty
<@Mordenklainen> do you ever feel like
<@Mordenklainen> you're totally like one parent
<@Mordenklainen> D:
<@Mordenklainen> (one of your own parents, that is)
<@ffffetS> haha explain
<@Mordenklainen> I have nothing of my mom in me
<@ffffetS> yes i'm pretty much my mother's twin
<@Mordenklainen> I'm glad I don't
<@ffffetS> which is weird D:
<@Mordenklainen> I could barely respect her
<@ffffetS> eesh
<@Mordenklainen> she has every quirk that I dislike in people
<@Mordenklainen> and every attitude
<@Mordenklainen> and every everything
<@ffffetS> that doesn't sound pleasant D:
<@Mordenklainen> we were discussing this thing
<@Mordenklainen> a situation
<@Mordenklainen> I'd need to explain too much about it
<@Mordenklainen> anyway
<@Mordenklainen> it's sort of family business
<@Mordenklainen> and I was saying that what my aunt is doing is wrong
<@Mordenklainen> (it involves my grandad)
<@Mordenklainen> and she said she didn't think it was wrong
<@Mordenklainen> ok we discuss it
<@Mordenklainen> blah blah
<@Mordenklainen> until I say what I consider my final speech
<@Mordenklainen> very eloquently, I feel I pwnd her
<@Mordenklainen> and we remain there silent
<@Mordenklainen> (my dad was in it too)
<@Mordenklainen> for like 2 minutes
<@Mordenklainen> staring at the TV like zombies
<@Mordenklainen> more minutes
<@Mordenklainen> I get up and go to the kitchen while (levantar la mesa? set off the table?) setting off the table
<@Mordenklainen> and from the kitchen I hear my mom talking to my dad
<@Mordenklainen> like they're talking behind my back D:
<@Mordenklainen> not necessarily about me
<@Mordenklainen> but like
<@Mordenklainen> she always does that
<@Mordenklainen> when they're talking and I step in
<@Mordenklainen> she shuts up
<@Mordenklainen> as if I was 8
<@Mordenklainen> and I couldn't handle grown-ups conversations
<@Mordenklainen> and it seriously pisses me off so much D:
<@ffffetS> wow
<@ffffetS> i don't blame you
<@Mordenklainen> and there's no way I can make her see that
<@Mordenklainen> she's thick
<@ffffetS> no one's done that too me since i was like 13
<@ffffetS> did you say anything
<@ffffetS> ?
<@Mordenklainen> yes
<@Mordenklainen> I yelled from the kitchen
<@Mordenklainen> why do you wait for me to leave to talk?
<@ffffetS> :O
<@Mordenklainen> and got in the PC room and slammed the door
<@Mordenklainen> >_<
<@Mordenklainen> and then said
<@Mordenklainen> wbwb
<@Mordenklainen> back*
<@Mordenklainen> and you said wbwb* and kla
<@ffffetS> haha
<@Mordenklainen> anyway yeah D: I totally admire my dad and totally feel like my mom is a psychotic bitch
<@Mordenklainen> I have no idea how they ended up together
<@Mordenklainen> he's an ass
<@ffffetS> did your dad say anything at all?
<@Mordenklainen> and she's too nice (to everyone in the world but me -___-)
<@Mordenklainen> say anything when?
<@ffffetS> like... at all..
<@ffffetS> other than what pertained to the 'family matter'
<@Mordenklainen> well that was everything basically
<@Mordenklainen> then they were talking when I left, I yelled and slammed the door
<@Mordenklainen> so I have no idea
<@ffffetS> ahh
<@Mordenklainen> the thing is
<@Mordenklainen> ok I'll tell you
<@Mordenklainen> you'll hear my biased side of the story
<@Mordenklainen> but it's pretty accurate
<@Mordenklainen> so my grandad was living in my aunt's apartment, more like
<@Mordenklainen> (it'd be so much easier if I could speak this on mic :( )
<@Mordenklainen> my aunt lived with my grampz
<@Mordenklainen> years ago
<@Mordenklainen> she hooked up this rich french dude
<@Mordenklainen> they bought a flat
<@ffffetS> lol i'm still waiting for you to FIX IT
<@Mordenklainen> they broke up
<@Mordenklainen> he left
<@Mordenklainen> my aunt and grandad stayed in the apartment
<@Mordenklainen> then my aunt met this other french guy
<@Mordenklainen> married
<@Mordenklainen> kla
<@Mordenklainen> moved away
<@Mordenklainen> and my grandad is left alone in that place
<@Mordenklainen> which is quite big
<@Mordenklainen> it's not modest
<@Mordenklainen> but it's not like a house
<@Mordenklainen> so
<@Mordenklainen> now my aunt had another kid
<@Mordenklainen> they have two now
<@Mordenklainen> and their current place is small
<@Mordenklainen> so they're moving back to where my grandpa is
<@Mordenklainen> and kicking him off to a smaller place
<@Mordenklainen> and he's lived there for like 10-15 years now
<@Mordenklainen> and he's 83 or so
<@ffffetS> D:
<@Mordenklainen> I was saying how the fuck could they even dare to do that
<@Mordenklainen> the man is old
<@Mordenklainen> that place is his home now
<@ffffetS> i kinda figured that's what it was, when you said 'aunt and grandad'
<@Mordenklainen> even if it's big for him, he's happy having spare place and having stuff to do
<@Mordenklainen> he's like 10 times more active than me >_<
<@ffffetS> hahah aww
<@Mordenklainen> so I was saying
<@Mordenklainen> my aunt has those things
<@Mordenklainen> my aunt treats my grandpa like SHIT
<@Mordenklainen> like
<@Mordenklainen> anything he does is wrong
<@Mordenklainen> and it fucking pisses me off
<@Mordenklainen> 'cause she's a really balanced person
<@Mordenklainen> but she goes all bitch on him
<@Mordenklainen> and I'm always being a jerk to her for that
<@Mordenklainen> so
<@Mordenklainen> now they're throwing him out
<@Mordenklainen> all because they don't wanna pay for another place
<@Mordenklainen> but
<@Mordenklainen> guess what
<@Mordenklainen> her two kids
<@Mordenklainen> one is 5 the other 1-2
<@Mordenklainen> the 5yo
<@Mordenklainen> is going to a school
<@Mordenklainen> that costs over 1k per month
<@Mordenklainen> 'cause it's some snobby french-english school
<@Mordenklainen> HE'S 5.
<@ffffetS> that's unnecessary at the age of 5 D:
<@Mordenklainen> may I say, education isn't that expensive here
<@Mordenklainen> my school costed 100$ a month
<@Mordenklainen> and it was 1337
<@Mordenklainen> yeah
<@Mordenklainen> they paid that tooo when the kid went to kindergarden
<@Mordenklainen> and like wtf
<@Mordenklainen> you eat boogers and paint your face there
<@Mordenklainen> srsly
<@Mordenklainen> anyway
<@Mordenklainen> it annoys me that they're that hypocrite
<@Mordenklainen> they've gone to france recently
<@Mordenklainen> they travel a lot
<@ffffetS> ha
<@Mordenklainen> spend unnecessary money on their kids
<@Mordenklainen> and now they kick my grandpa out of his nest
<@Mordenklainen> so I've had it
<@Mordenklainen> my aunt used to be this
<@Mordenklainen> chica de barrio
<@Mordenklainen> and now she's all
<@Mordenklainen> oh hi im a diva LOL
<@Mordenklainen> and it's so gah D:
<@ffffetS> lol
<@ffffetS> i have cousins like that...
<@Mordenklainen> I mean, the man is 83 years old, hang on until he dies or whatever
<@ffffetS> they don't remember that practically 15 of us lived in a 2 story house in brooklyn
<@ffffetS> and now that they have some spare cash they think they're the shit
<@Mordenklainen> totally D:<
<@ffffetS> and don't get me started on MY aunt...
<@ffffetS> she and i are ok now
<@ffffetS> but two years ago
<@ffffetS> i was thisclose to ripping her face off
<@ffffetS> cause she tried some similar shit with my grandfather...
<@ffffetS> granted, he's not her father
<@Mordenklainen> you know the sport here is football (sorry, I care about you, but I'm not done yet XD) and my grandpa is a gigantic football fanatic, and my kid is making her son, who is named Luca; the baby is called Juliette, YES FRENCH NAMES, NO ARGENTINIAN, YOU FUCKING INCONSIDERATE BITCH
<@Mordenklainen> NOT.
<@ffffetS> he's her stepfather... but she was backing out on a lot of shit she said she's do
<@ffffetS> HAHAHA
<@ffffetS> what the pluck
<@Mordenklainen> anyway she's against Luca, teh 5yo kid, like practicing football and such, she sends him to rugby and equitación :| horse-riding
<@Mordenklainen> rugby is the most
<@Mordenklainen> hey I have more money than a country-sport
<@Mordenklainen> (here)
<@ffffetS> o.0
<@ffffetS> he's... 5
<@Mordenklainen> I know
<@ffffetS> he's gonna chase after shit and fall on his ass
<@ffffetS> D:
<@Mordenklainen> yeah and you know, I don't really give a shit about family that much
<@Mordenklainen> like my aunts or cousins I never see
<@Mordenklainen> but it's your dad, dammit D:
<@Mordenklainen> and he's a really cool granddad :<
<@ffffetS> yea that's fucked
<@ffffetS> hells yea my grandpa is the best ever <3
<@Mordenklainen> NO MINE IS THE BEST EVER
<@ffffetS> NO MINE IS
<@ffffetS> that's part of the thing i hold against all my aunts and uncles...
<@ffffetS> we tell them about how my grandmother gets bad sometimes and she flips out or whatever...
<@ffffetS> and they kind of brush it off and just say, 'well i'll send some money to get her ____'
<@ffffetS> when they want to come to florida to go on vacation, that's fine
<@ffffetS> but they can't come down when he's has surgery or for whatever else because 'they're working'
<@ffffetS> so according to them..
<@ffffetS> the three of us sit here with our thumbs up our asses
<@ffffetS> cause we don't 'work'
<@Mordenklainen> :/
<@Mordenklainen> yeah you can't buy love, mang
<@ffffetS> it's ok... my aunt is getting some of that shit back...
<@ffffetS> i'm not exactly happy about it but now her daughter is treating her like shit
<@Mordenklainen> fnn
<@Mordenklainen> do you treat your mom like shit? :(
<@ffffetS> no... i like her most of the time D:

<@ffffetS> my dad is cool too... i only had problems with them when i was a teenager and they wouldn't let me out or i got caught stealings hit
<@Mordenklainen> ..you stole shit?
<@Mordenklainen> D:
<@ffffetS> lol
<@ffffetS> yea it was like.. petty shit
<@ffffetS> like that fake jewerly they sell in random stores..
<@ffffetS> my mom caught me once and made me put it back, the second time i was caught by security and banned from the store lol
<@Mordenklainen> ahahaha
<@Mordenklainen> so did you ever successfully steal?
<@ffffetS> oh yea... i had a whole bunch of crap.. it was all jewelry
<@ffffetS> lol
<@ffffetS> when i got banned from the pharmacy my mom made me feel really bad, and i put it all in a plastic bag and threw it away LOL
<@Mordenklainen> aww haha
<@ffffetS> yea i was a greedy bitch
<@ffffetS> the good thing is that she never told my dad
<@ffffetS> cause he would have kicked my ass lol
<@Mordenklainen> haha
<@Mordenklainen> what if you told him now? <.<
<@ffffetS> haha he would probably laugh but still be all like 'yea i knew it was a good idea to move away'
<@ffffetS> lol
<@Mordenklainen> fnn

<@Mordenklainen> Federico says:
<@Mordenklainen> I don't like pepper anyway, nope
<@Mordenklainen> Miko] says:
<@Mordenklainen> :O.. how about garlic?
<@Mordenklainen> Federico says:
<@Mordenklainen> I don't mind pepper, but I'd rather it not be present in my food
<@Mordenklainen> Miko] says:
<@Mordenklainen> 8D twinz <3
<@Mordenklainen> Federico says:
<@Mordenklainen> XD
<@Mordenklainen> Federico says:
<@Mordenklainen> how do you feel about onion?
<@Mordenklainen> Miko] says:
<@Mordenklainen> :O.. i don't mind it. i mean, on its own it's quite bleak, but it adds good taste.
<@Mordenklainen> Federico says:
<@Mordenklainen> yeah I love onion
<@Mordenklainen> Miko] says:
<@Mordenklainen> :>
<@Mordenklainen> Federico says:
<@Mordenklainen> I always keep one
<@Mordenklainen> Federico says:
<@Mordenklainen> under my pillow
<@Mordenklainen> Federico says:
<@Mordenklainen> just in case
<@ffffetS> haha
<@Mordenklainen> Really, is it pathetic that I make myself giggle/laugh so much? >_< 'cause I think I'm high-lair-yee-ows
<@ffffetS> you're silly, yes
<@ffffetS> xD
<@Mordenklainen> tyty
<@Mordenklainen> without my funs I'm nothing
<@ffffetS> of course hehe
<@Mordenklainen> hey
<@Mordenklainen> you don't have to agree with me
<@Mordenklainen> you have to be all
<@Mordenklainen> no0o0o0o0
<@Mordenklainen> you're also this and this
<@Mordenklainen> and you have this and that
<@ffffetS> you see all this typing you're going?
<@ffffetS> i'd rather not :p
<@Mordenklainen> <@ffffetS> you see all this typing you're going? <- what?
<@ffffetS> doing*
<@ffffetS> lol... i'm awake i promise
<@Mordenklainen> what's with all my typing :C
<@Mordenklainen> pfft
<@Mordenklainen> you don't like me do you
<@Mordenklainen> BE HONEST
<@ffffetS> no...
<@ffffetS> your name is too long

<@Mordenklainen> if you could choose between me
<@Mordenklainen> and a pear
<@ffffetS> oh man
<@ffffetS> i haven't had a pear in so long! D:
<@Mordenklainen> yeah me neither
<@Mordenklainen> ..fuck
<@Mordenklainen> I want a pear now
<@Mordenklainen> see what you've done
<@ffffetS> ino!
<@ffffetS> it's your fault!!
<@Mordenklainen> lol tomorrow morning I'm buying pears
<@Mordenklainen> and taking pictures
<@ffffetS> what made you mention pears!
<@Mordenklainen> and videos of me
<@Mordenklainen> munching them
<@ffffetS> hahaha
<@ffffetS> DO ITTT
<@Mordenklainen> haha okay
<@Mordenklainen> if they have pears
<@Mordenklainen> I'll do it
<@ffffetS> :D:D:D
<@Mordenklainen> what if they don't?
<@ffffetS> what's the next best thing?
<@ffffetS> :/
<@ffffetS> peach?
<@ffffetS> 0o0oo
<@ffffetS> peaches sound good too
<@Mordenklainen> ... o_o
<@ffffetS> hehe
<@ffffetS> http://youtube.com/watch?v=19McuaPKjI8
* @ffffetS dances
<@Mordenklainen> XD what the fuck
<@ffffetS> it's the Presidents of the United States of America!
<@Mordenklainen> peaches get old fast
<@ffffetS> :p
<@ffffetS> i haven't had peaches to the point where i get tired of them
<@ffffetS> hahaha i think i still have this album somewhere... xD
<@ffffetS> IN THE SAND
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