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voice; 1/2 7thborn August 25 2011, 21:55:07 UTC
[Ginny Weasley is at work when she hears the distant bang and crack of the fireworks display. At first, she pays no mind to it, but something makes her feel like checking the network just in case, and... Merlin's beard, she was right.]



voice; 7thborn August 25 2011, 21:55:23 UTC
[... wait, this is actually sort of brilliant.]

You finished them!


voice; feorging August 26 2011, 00:25:07 UTC
Indeed I did. Suppose I've got past-us to thank, half the work was already done.

[So much grinning. This is just the excitement he needed to take his mind off of things. If only George was here to see--]

So, what d'you think? Worthy of an "O", or am I stuck at "Exceeds Expectations?"


voice; 7thborn August 26 2011, 01:36:34 UTC
The video doesn't do them justice at all, but... oh Merlin, did you have to wait until I was at work before you-

[Oh Godric's balls, she really wants to just duck out and take her break now but then she'd want to stay the whole time.]

How are they? Any customers? I'd say they're definitely an "O," aren't they always?


voice; feorging August 26 2011, 02:19:03 UTC
[He did. He'd finished them and George wasn't there to celebrate and he got jittery, which always leads to explosions, doesn't it?]

Good answer, little sister. [Wink!] Just a few wary passersby thus far, but there's a definite interest. Or d'you suppose that's just my handsome face drawing them in?


voice; 7thborn August 26 2011, 02:22:51 UTC
Yeah, yeah, your irresistible good looks and charm. I know how it goes.

[Oh, bugger it all. Perhaps Fred can hear the muffled sound of his sister saying she'll be taking her break now, and she's rushing out the back way of the club so she can watch the fireworks from the street. The proud grin she's wearing is absolutely audible in her voice.]

Fred, they're bloody fantastic. I'm so glad I never set off the last of your boxes, this is brilliant.


voice; feorging August 26 2011, 02:58:54 UTC
[Oh, he hears it. Grinning abound, Ginny.]

You oughta be down here with me, you know. Reckon half the glory's yours as well. Or at least a good fourth of it.

[Still with the smiling, but it might just be that he doesn't feelright selling this alone when he's meant to have a partner, his partner.]


voice; 7thborn August 26 2011, 03:28:10 UTC
I didn't do anything.

[Genuine modesty. She knows she can try to be like her twin brothers, try to match them in creativity and brilliance, and she can come close. But she can't do what she's seeing now and she's more than happy to let Fred and George have all the glory for what they do best.]

And I'm working right now, Fred. You know I'd love to come down there but I've still got a half hour until I'm off.


voice; feorging August 26 2011, 06:19:25 UTC
[Fred scoffs. Work. Laaame. What's the point if you can't do what you want and enjoy it?]

A half hour's nothing. Skive off and get your arse down here. I'll slip you a Puking Pastille if you feel the need.


voice; 7thborn August 26 2011, 14:20:30 UTC
You forget I work with friends of mine, I doubt a Puking Pastille would do any good.

[Pause. Thoughtfully, as she watches the display.]

Did you know I crushed those up and slipped them into the Carrows' dinner once?


voice; feorging August 27 2011, 01:54:10 UTC
[Foul play. He can't even be disappointed in her staying at work.]

You make an old man so proud, baby sister. I've got to know, how'd it work? We always supposed crushing them would make them more potent.


voice; 7thborn August 27 2011, 02:27:41 UTC
Dear Amycus and Alecto had beautiful aim for the Headmaster sitting between them.

[What she doesn't say is she got detention for it because who else would use Weasley products? But it was worth it. It was so worth it.]


voice; feorging August 27 2011, 03:39:27 UTC
No. Come off it, you got Snape on it too? Bloody Hell, Gin. We ought to make you a medal.

[For the best, little sister. He'll start finding a way back home to murder some folk.]


voice; 7thborn August 27 2011, 03:52:30 UTC
Couldn't have done it without you lot.

[She sounds SO PROUD right now, Fred, you can't even imagine how glad she is to hear that sort of praise from you.]

They weren't all too pleased, but it was a great laugh. I reckon the only reason they got it on Snape was because they wanted to save their food. Figures, doesn't it?


voice; feorging August 27 2011, 05:26:12 UTC
[It's well deserved. There's no telling how proud Fred is that Ginny carried on their work in their absence.]

Pillocks, the lot of them. How'd they cure it, then? I don't suppose you gave them the other half.


voice; 7thborn August 27 2011, 05:54:14 UTC
[Only after they threatened her with their wands, and even then she only gave them the purple chews to save her robes from vomit. That's her story and she's sticking to it. (The Cruciated her anyway, but. Details.)]

Only after they stopped throwing up long enough to ask me nicely.


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