The world is a futile exercise..

Feb 16, 2005 03:50

And we all live a Kurt Vonnegut novel.

Oh man it's almost time for bed, I've got another long drive ahead of me tomorrow.

You know what'd be fucking awesome? Rightous slaying of Camwhores, Furries, and Juggalos. They could all be standing around in some motherfucking goth club or some shit, and then the lights go out. And I'm standing there with akimbo miniguns, with the camera zooming in on my face as I say:


And then it shows about 10 minutes worth of graphic violence, 20mm rounds ripping through their puny bodies in a awesome show of BRUTAL ASSKICKING!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I'm due for another E-visceration. I've got a particular person in mind, who's abject arrogance, and total lack of humanity really calls for it. She won't see it though. Why? Because she's been so caught up in her own little world since she was molested as a child. It's Cuntface

You see, I normally deal with furries and juggalos, always have... but the camwhore's particular variant of sickness has always intrigued and disgusted me. Many are over-sexed immature pissant little whiny brats, most of whom have serious psychological baggage due to traumatic events in their life. On top of this they are completely unsalvagable. A Furry will see the error in their ways before a camwhore will. Why? Because the camwhore is so mindlessly self-absorbed that they see no error in their actions. Just as a fish will never say the first thing it sees is water, a camwhore will never realize the depths of depravity they are bringing themselves to. Why? Because it is wrapped up in attention, something which all camwhores crave.

And this one is no different.

But I have tagged exactly what has happened to this poor sack of flesh, you see.. I've bene browsing through her LJ to find some rather startling observations, some of which shed much light on the whole camwhore phenomenon.

She exhibits-

  • Overly high risk behaviour
  • Use of drugs and/or alcohol, usually to an extreme extent
  • A warped perspective of the world
  • Apparent lying and general deceitfulness (More on this later)
  • Incredible desire for attention (Both negative and positive) through acting out, especially in the medium of pictures
  • Mild sociopathic tendencies
  • Paranoia or distrust of other people
  • Highly aggressive
  • And shows a manipulative personality

Now, what do all these mean? You may not believe it, and I'm not saying this just to be hurtful but these are signs of sexual molestation as a child. These signs are VERY common among camwhores, which really leads one to believe that one of the things that makes a camwhore is a troubled childhood or adolescence.

I'm not making this up, either. Many of these symptoms appear Here

What is especially telling are these comments however:

The development of self is widely understood to be one of the earliest tasks for the infant and young child. Because this process unfolds within the context of attachment and the internalization of important others' perceptions and expectations, how the child is treated early in life has great influence on her/his self-awareness. Severe child maltreatment may interfere with the child's access to a sense of self. Without such an internal base the survivor is likely to experience identity confusion, boundary issues, and feelings of personal emptiness. There is often an inability to soothe or comfort oneself adequately leading to over-reaction to stress or painful situations.

By virtue of childhood experience, former victims tend to assume the world is a hostile environment, where nothing is freely given. With this view it is not surprising that traumatized individuals believe that the only way to gain needed things or resources is to trade other things for them, or trick someone into providing them. This adversarial position is reinforced by an on-going abusive environment that often continues well on into the individual's later years.

Many adult abuse survivors associate relationships with maltreatment. Consequently they either (a) avoid interpersonal closeness; or (b) accept some level of aggression in relationships as normal or appropriate. The long term impacts of child abuse on aggressive behavior suggests that sexually aggressive behavior is associated with child sexual abuse while physically aggressive behavior is associated with physical abuse.

Many abuse survivors use behavioral strategies to avoid or reduce the negative feelings related to childhood abuse experiences. Because these coping responses occur on an unconscious level they may not be recognized as abuse related by the survivor. For example, the individual whose compulsive use of alcohol or drugs effectively keep abuse memories out of awareness is likely to view the addictions as a problem unrelated to childhood trauma.

And finally... this telling piece of information.

Among the activities associated with avoidance of abuse - specific memories and affects are:       

  • Psychoactive substance use
  • Self-injurious behavior
  • Compulsive sexual activity
  • Bulimia
  • Suicidality

Now I remind the reader that this does not excuse Malice_BD from her extremely flawed personality traits. She is demonstrably a violent, sociopathic, and manipulative person who's own sexuality has been so destroyed that she knows not what to do with it. How can I back this up? Just read the journal, every bit of evidence is right there. For every behaviour she demonstrates, you can pin it to one of the above (And linked as well). The evidence, once stacked up, is so overwhelming that it would be a task to disprove my accusation.

That's it for now, however. I will get back to this subject later.
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