Illegals - again...

Apr 11, 2006 17:28

I find it amusing that one argument against the immigration reforms is, "The [illegal] aliens in this country are not criminals."

Let's open our dictionary for a minute, shall we?

crim·i·nal    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (krm-nl)
Of, involving, or having the nature of crime: criminal abuse.
Relating to the administration of penal law.

Guilty of crime.
Characteristic of a criminal.
Shameful; disgraceful: a criminal waste of talent.

One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.

crime    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (krm)
An act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction.
Unlawful activity: statistics relating to violent crime.
A serious offense, especially one in violation of morality.
An unjust, senseless, or disgraceful act or condition: It's a crime to squander our country's natural resources.

il·le·gal    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (-lgl)
Prohibited by law.
Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football.
Unacceptable to or not performable by a computer: an illegal operation.

I think this next statement pretty well sums it all up:

"[Illegal Immigrants] are demanding that they be given rights U.S. citizens have when their first act was to break the law by coming into this country illegally," said Susan Wysoki, spokeswoman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

...'nuff said...

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