1. So, JM. Lighting: getting better. Hair: looking too red again in the spaceship scene. Accent: I don't know from Midwestern, so I'm cool with it -- until he says "LuthorCorp experiments". Another shot between the eyes, that. And the cadence is just so weird.
2. Btw, I know I'm JM biased, but I like that Smallville has a big bad this season. We've still got the weekly freak, but it's cool to have an actual arc-type thing underneath it all.
3. I liked the changeup in narrative structure. I think that the safety and distance of Chloe telling the tale after the fact maybe help absorb some of the ridiculous. Or maybe I just like Chloe :)
4. I understand that it's Princess Leia, but I think that any reliable character actor would've done a better job and probably
been less trouble. 5. Loved all the Chlark, natch. Especially him superspeeding into a room she's in :) Also loved the cheesy romance novel tableau of him rescuing her: the wind, the moon, the Chloevage, the cape. Hey, every 'ship got its crumb this ep. Even the femslashers and threesome hos :)
frelling_tralk asked if there was any CLex. My answer is Oh Yes There Was. And some FLex and Flarx, too. Clark torn between two masters might've been my favoritest bit, but nobody gets to Clark like Lex does. Although... Lex, I love you, but I need you to look up the difference between libel and slander. Also, practice the dramatic slow clap. James did it a lot in his demon days, check him out.
7. Speaking of FLex, I think that only Lionel has ever rattled Lex like that. Watching FLex shoot pool (complete with some stick play) didn't give me flashbacks to S1 so much as to Fool For Love. "A Slayer must always reach for her weapon. I've already got mine." He still does, and it's just as phallic as ever. And oooh, Lex's shirt... with the sleeves pushed up... I'll be in my bunk.
8. "We eat boyfriends for breakfast." Yeah, that turned into slash in my head. Is there a support group for that? Also, "I'm just supposed to swallow all this?" Gah, SO twelve.
9. HoYay aside, I'm actually glad that Tom's finally playing attraction to women (Lana and the bunny) instead of ickiness and fear. It's okay to swing both ways, Baby. I thought his reactions to VampLana coming on to him were really hot. Although, my attention was focused on him instead of them, and my first thought was, "Oooh, can't wait for HornyClark to get manipped into a CLex vid."
10. Y'know, I just re-watched Shimmer wherein Clark lies to Lex about knowing how Jeff turned invisible. And yet he'll speculate to Fine about vampires. Is it just because Jeff was a Kryptofreak, but Clark didn't know (when he talked to Fine) that the vamps were also K-freaks?
11. Lex didn't do anything evil in this ep, right? He denied the existence of Project 1138, but then provided the serum. Although, if LuthorCorp developed a cure, why didn't they give it to Buffy six years ago?
12. Love the Daily Planet set, and I'm so thrilled for Chloe. And yet I'm still afraid she's going to die, and that her brilliant future will go to her undeserving cousin :( But oh! At the end, she says the DP is the paper of record for "future superheroes". Which means she'll be around to see it, right? Right?!?
13. "[W]e don't get always get to choose who we are. Sometimes our destiny leads us to places that we don't want to go, and there's nothing we can do about it. I love you, Clark. I always will." [Bite! Kill!]
I've decided that, at the end of the series, they can recycle that bit for Lex :)
Random: Wow, Bauhaus. I liked Chloe's bitchy soon-to-be-ex roommate. Loved HungoverLana. And I thought the last Clana scene was good. (OMG the sky is falling.)
So overall, I enjoyed it. It wasn't as laughable as Spell, but it wasn't as laughably bad as Spell, either, heh.