The Ultimate Politics Survey
Describe your stance on:
Abortion: for
Affirmative Action: from what I know of it, it's racist
Age of Consent: 16, but that shouldn't be set in stone
Animal Testing: in the right circumstances, for it
Death Penalty: against
Downloading Music/Movies: music downloading is fine, movie downloading I'm not so sure about
Drug Decriminalization: not enough, legalisation
Factory Farming: dunno what this is
Free Trade: fair trade > free trade
Funding of Arts: for, although other things should take priority
Gay Marriage: is fabulous
Gun Control: for, to an extent
Immigration: in most circumstances, for
Hardcore Pornography: for
Human Cloning: fully cloning? Against. Cloning, say, organs for transplant, for.
Miltary Draft: against
Minimum Wage: needs to be increased
Prostitution: legalise it
School Vouchers: dunno what this is
Taxes: need to be raised
United Nations: needs more power
Universal Health Care: for
War on Terrorism: bad, although some counter-terrorism is needed
Welfare: for it, although it needs to be controlled
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