Remember that commercial that had Emmitt Smith endorsing the company because they helped him protect himself from identity theft? The one where we get to see that Emmitt's password is "Catch-22", thus depriving him of a really cool password because now everyone would know it?
Yeah, I don't remember the company either but apparently someone learned something from the ad. Specifically, that maybe stealing the identity of athletes could be a lucrative venture, so long as they aren't customers of the same company that Emmitt was.
That is, if you aren't caught doing it. David Dright is suspected of getting personal information from ninety players, along with twenty seven regular folk. Hey, if I was getting into this sort of racket, that's about the ratio of "people with money" to "people with no money" I would go for too. Of course, since the dude's name is David Dright, I'm wondering why he didn't just try extra hard to find only the personal info for David Wright, and forget about all those other players.
You know, because a 'W' turns into a 'D' so easily. He just got greedy.