Nov 06, 2008 17:05
OK, I don't think I've posted on here in quite near a month and to make up for lost time, I guess I'll update this thing to to cover all of October.
Right at the start of this month, the backlight on my laptop went out. I took it into my work and had the technichian look at it. He recommended this part from a store in Canada. So I pay for the part and pay for fast shipping only to have it arrive late. I have the part tested, and find that while it works, it was not the cause of the problem. So I have to have the part shipped back to Canada and I still don't have a computer. So I finally make arrangements to have the computer shipped off to our service center so that they can fix it for me. The whole process takes about a week and I have my computer returned to me. I'm excited by this point, I turn it on and my desktop shows up bright and clear for me. I sit down with it, and begin to type something into the internet explorer. Only problem is, nothing is coming from my keyboard. I restart the computer. Nothing. I call the technical support and he has me try all of the key combinations on the boot screen. (After I had just told him the keyboard wasn't working). So after this guy wastes like 15 minutes trying to get me to do something that won't work, he makes arrangements to have it shipped back to the service center again. I was curious and wanted a second opinion so I took it back in to my work. The technician there tells me that the hard drive was broken and points out a few small cracks on the computer. Apparantly, it was dropped while at the service center. So I call them up again and tell them of the problem. They say they'll "look into it". Now my computer is being returned to me again and hopefully it will be permenatntly fixed.
So enough rant about my broken computer!
Also during October, I decided on a new cosplay for next year, which will be Link from Ocarina of Time. I've been a huge Zelda game fan since I was a kid and I got Zelda I and II as Christmas gifts from my parents. (they're still sitting on my shelf here, I will never lose or sell those games!) I'm excited to have a Link cosplay to make now! I'm getting the shield off of ebay and attempting to have the sword custom made. All of the ones on ebay were either metal or had huge errors in the hilt and the blade shape.
I also finally found my Pokemon Emerald game! I had been working on it trying to get more Pokemon to import into my DS to import into my Wii, when I had taken it out to play another game. I looked for that game off and on for over a month, when I finally discovered it......... underneath my mousepad.......
November is looking to be a really exiciting month!
Koi and Wulf informed me that they plan on starting my Wolf Link cosplay this month, which isextremely exciting!
I'm also taking my exit tests for school in the next week so once those are finished, I just have to do my internship and I am done with school, hopefully forever!!
Everything is looking good for me this month, I genuinely happy and excited about everything that is coming up!