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Dec 08, 2005 15:54

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Did fasterlearner leave the stove on again?No.What happened the last time you and ushuaia were hanging out together?I don't wanna talk about it...Doesn't aree_of_ph34r have anything better to do?Yes, actually.What does kujiro look for in a significant other?Kidneys.Who on your friends list would get along best with anthony_kane?Saichen?What's the last thing you said to tongku?Fuck You.What hobby do you think ladydilee should take up?World DominationWhat four adjectives best describe kitsunenomiko?Foxy, Chibi, quiet, intellectual.What would lotus_tear like to do for a living?Potentate of the World.Could you take asimovforever1 in a fight?Oh Yeah.:PDid cutelildrow steal the cookie from the cookie jar?You can't prove abything...What will manjaro be like in twenty years?Oh God...How will soundsgreen die?Angry Mob of aspiring writers.:PWhere did jabes_of_mt go?To the mirror, to admire his Bishiness.:PWhat would oracle_of_urza be like on an LSD trip?Dead.:Pbewilderme: ninja, pirate, monkey, or robot?Ninja.What would bgmaster do with half a million dollars (U.S.)?I haven't the slightest.What do you think of jubei_neko's family?don't know them.Can instigator_ash raise the dead to perform common household tasks?Of course.What political beliefs of animale19 do you disagree with?He's part of the Axis of Evil.:PWhat is narrativerose's favorite meal?Babies!In what ways is linklover smarter than you?In a strange and scary otaku kind of way...Can zerodotjander solve a Rubik's Cube?ZerodotJander is god of the world, and can crush men with a single thought.What was vorlon010 wearing, the last time you noticed?Zero Wing.What animal does chino_san most remind you of?I dunno.:PCan angelbabygirl become invisible at will?Yes.How long have you known doomedmessenger?I don't really know her, unfortunately.Where would you take zethrin on a vacation?Wherever I was going.:PWhat kind of underwear does akilika wear?Yum...I demand an answer.:P

(completely joking)Does parallaxviews look better with long hair?Dunno.
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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