Apr 09, 2009 07:14
In an attempt to stay more active here (yes I'll be posting more :D) I just recently installed Ubuntu on my Acer Aspire One netbook. But it's been aaaaaaaages since I did a Linux install (Probably almost 4 years now O.o) I'm looking for advice on what I can do to improve the install, packages I should be adding to it as well, or suggestions on other distributions (the install is still fresh, so I could easily change if needed). I also would like to build a more recent kernel optimized for the Atom processor (the 9.04 Ubuntu beta I installed comes with kernel version 2.6.28-11). Any advice you could post here, or email to me (fenrix [at] gmail [dot] com) would definitely be appreciated. :D I'm trying my best to switch the device over to Linux instead of Windows XP since it seems better suited for it. Thanks in advance :D