The place I volunteer at is having a fundraiser dinner tonight, and they realized they needed a live artist. As in someone who sits and draws so the rich people can come and watch the ~magical process of artistic creation~.
I was asked to play that role at the last minute. Plus, I rarely draw large scale, so it's going to be a challenge. But I am going in with a rough penciled sketch, so at least there won't be as much pressure at the beginning. Though I wonder if I can get away with listening to my iPod so rich people won't chatter inanely at me
I talked to the director about possible ideas, and she really liked the wine-drinking elephant I'd done for them a few days ago, and that I could draw that over and over again all night and everyone would still love it. Which I promptly threw out the window because I realized I CAN DRAW SAVANNAH ANIMALS HOLDING A COCKTAIL PARTY.
I sketched it out in the computer first, so that I could fiddle with the composition and get it just right before committing to Bristol board. The ratio is off, as my board is 19x24, but it helped me to get the right idea. I don't have any kind of projector, so I pretty much just had to eyeball it when sketching it onto the board.
I added a
Caracal in the physical drawing, because I had some empty space between the cheetah and the giraffe, and I added a few more tickbirds and changed the positioning of the Meerkat so that it is trying to serve a cocktail to the Gaboon viper.
I wanted to add a rhino and a hippo, but with the huge size difference in the animals, I don't want to overcrowd the composition... That and I want to be able to finish it or at least get close to finished within the 3 hours or so that I'll be drawing.
I'll try to get the final version photographed decently. Or at least semi-decently.
Wish me good luck tonight!
Originally posted at Dreamwidth: