Turn a new purple leaf

Apr 03, 2010 17:26

Purple leaf plum tree
Originally uploaded by lostzepherWell is it already April? Has it really been a month since .. you know?
I'm okay a lot of the time, but sometimes I get horrible fear when I hear the phone ring because I think they'll be calling me to tell me she passed away or is in the hospital. An automatic feeling..I can't even help myself. Or I hear a song and I think of her and cry on the way to work. Or when I catch myself thinking that she isn't there... that when holidays come I'll really have to face the truth.

Anyways! About 2 weeks to Japan. I'm already blogging to psych myself up for blogging! http://wanderlustv2.blogspot.com/

This post is made through flickr! I got an account. It's only 100mb a month *tear*. But pro account costs $24.95 for unlimited.. Right now I can only live on a tin of beans!
Oh the photo is a plum tree blossoming here in AZ>.
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