What do I do when I can't write fic and I know nobody's reading my journal anyway? WHY MEMES OF COURSE.
Nabbed from
reynardo The rules:
1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you. I agree with
reynardo : Tagging is lame. If you want to do it, then do it. If not, then there shouldn't be any pressure to perform.
1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up.
...Nothing familiar, because this isn't my house. Um.
My computer, a sofa, my rucksack, the bed I'm using, and a pad with the name of my hometown written in big letters on the back because I use it as a sign when I'm hitchhiking at home.
2. How do you style your hair?
What is this "style" of which you speak? I cut my hair short precisely so I don't have to style it, and it doesn't hold styles anyway, because it likes to be flat (or antigravity). Currently it's loose and has red, yellow, and gold thread braided into it at one point.
3. What are you wearing now?
Red t-shirt, blue jeans, and underwear. Also three friendship bracelets (which never come off) and a
4. What's your occupation?
School student. Aiming for university student. Aiming for medicine.
5. What do you hear right now?
Lea Salonga, singing "Don't Cry For Me Argentina", and the water running upstairs.
6. What's your favourite guilty pleasure treat?
Bad fanfic.
7. What are you thinking about right now?
How Lisey's Story was about the worst SK book I've read so far, and how it says something about King's effect on me that I'm still thinking about it anyway, two days after I finished it. Last night I was trying to sleep and all I could think was the long boy; the thing with the endless piebald side, what the everloving fuck is that even about? The book's holding my attention more now I've finished it than it was when I was actually reading it!
8. Write the first word that comes to mind.
9. Dog person or cat person?
More a dog person, but really fairly ambivalent about both, at least compared to some people (like my gf)
10. If you came across $2,000 (or other currency) would you keep it or turn it in?
Depends on where I found it, how likely it was to be claimed, and whether I was strapped for cash. I suspect I'd halve it and do a bit of both...
11. What was the last thing that you bought?
A bottle of overly sweet flavoured water, yesterday, because it was hot and I was really really really thirsty.
12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Canada, because that's where my beloved
mymorphine lives. Failing that (since I'm going there anyway in five weeks WHOO!), the other side of North America, because that's where my as-beloved-but-in-a-different-way
nonlinear_lover resides (he is NOT my nonlinear lover, shhh) and my six-year-RP-buddy Chloe lives on PEI, too, so WHOO WHISTLESTOP TOUR OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. And failing that, Istanbul, just because... Istanbul.
13. Where do you see yourself in five minutes?
Right here, still considering bed and still not going there.
14. Last book you've read?
Completely, Lisey's Story by Stephen King. Incompletely, Pathfinders: A History Of Arabic Science by Jim al-Khalili, which I totally recommend to anyone and everyone with even a passing interest in science, history, philosophy, theology, Islam, mathematics, medicine, or languages. It's an amazing book. Go and get a copy.
15. What are you doing this weekend?
Probably homework?
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
My voice. The one thing (among the millions of other things) which I would most change about myself is my inability to sing. I'm thinking of asking
mymorphine for lessons.