Title: Middle Earth And How I Saved It (or, Who Cares About Some Tacky Ring Anyway?)
Genre: Parody/Humour
Fandoms: Lord of the Rings in theory, but mainly FF.net. :p
Characters/pairings: Vaguely as canon, but with added Sue.
Warnings: Crack. People who write Tenth Walker fics for serious may feel pretty damn insulted.
Disclaimer: Lord of the Rings belongs to Tolkien, who must be turning in his grave.
Summary: My name is Siltasuvi Araeina Raven Tri’shah Iuhlmati Ellenor Isabella Geliarae Arwen Sarabelle Kitsune Hmrevenueandcustoms Smith, and I'm the one fated to save Middle-Earth.
No, really.
Why are you looking at me so disbelievingly?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3