SGA 403 Quarantine

Jan 19, 2008 13:34

This was actually quite a good episode and I am a tad surprised at some negative reactions I've seen. These seem to be more a function of a distrust of the SGA writers, which I'll admit to be totally justified (I wouldn't trust these idiots to write their way out of a paper bag) than actual issues.

To the good:

a. the overwhelming/casual/taken for granted McShep

- John's 'get to second base' snark and Rodney totally ignoring it seemed to me to be an off-hand confirmation that Rodney and Katie never got to second base... which seems quite in character for both of them actually, and would certainly explain their awkwardness with each other, especially visible in the locked room situation of this episode.

- in fact John's entire reaction to Rodney's explanation: 'can you keep a secret' 'No' was so cute!

- his transparent reluctance, quickly followed by reassurance the minute he sees Rodney's self-doubts was to die for!

b. the sweet but finally-touched-by-reality Rodney/Katie moments:
- I was a bit concerned at first when I saw the set-up, John/Teyla, Carter/Zelenla and Ronon/Keller, but it was obvious pretty soon that on the Rodney/Katie front at least things were not going to be all roses and kisses. It was made clear that this was the first time Katie saw an aspect of Rodney she was not entirely prepared for because it was closer to the real him and not a rehearsed, cliched interaction. It is obvious that if Rodney had been able to work, his naturally forceful attitude when he is in control of events would not have let her see his pessimism and paranoia.

I was amazed by how this episode showed so clearly that this is not a personality defect, but in his case is actually a professional asset since his guesses were actually correct apart from the stuff he couldn't have predicted at all.

Having said all that, I do not necessarily assume this means that he and Katie have broken off: it's possible, but the end of the episode does not make that a certainty IMHO. We'll see what happens next if the writers ever bother mentioning her name ever again until the next time they need to retcon McKay's character.

c. Rodney not saving the day without being made to look incompetent/stupid - I do not understand at all why some viewers took it as an episode where he is shown as weak and incompetent. This was not like the SG1 episodes where his character was deliberately supposed to make SG1 look good (in comparison to his being wrong/weak/incompetent).

His hands were truly tied and there was nothing he could do: by now we all know and love how easily Rodney can panic, but it did not impact his performance. THERE WAS NOTHING HE COULD HAVE DONE, PEOPLE! Radek/John/Sam did not shine at his expense because Rodney was stuck in the Botany lab without anything to work with...

I personally saw this episode as a very well-balanced way of giving the limelight to others without making Rodney look bad. 'Miller's Crossing' and even 'Spoils of War' were a lot more irritating in that respect, making it look like Jeannie and Todd were both much more competent than he was, just for plot reasons, and totally ignoring the fact that realistically speaking he should have been able to solve these problems himself, or if not, no one should have been able to do so.

So yes, it is slightly irksome that several characters (Zelenka, mainly) have previously said that Rodney is slowing down or going through a bad phase, but this was clearly not the case here.

To the bad:
a. Did I hear the SGA PTB tell us that having kids means that pregnant people are not free anymore and need to stop living to devote themselves to their future family as if they had suddenly become incubating machines? Did I? Good Lord, why not imprison them in a cage until they deliver or better yet, until their offspring is adult!

Don't get me wrong, to a certain extent -limited by reason and common sense and personal choice- I agree... I am just stunned that a North American television show would admit as much.

b. Ronon/Keller (is her first name supposed to be Jennifer?)

Do not want! On the one hand, she is very cute and any scene with her has my approval. On the other hand I do not quite like that pairing (I am too invested in the Teyla/Ronon and the Elizabeth/Ronon ships to be able to like any other Ronon pairing).

Plus, I'd rather we got to know her better before they got involved: this is too quick and will almost certainly lead to her being defined primarily as Ronon's girlfriend rather than giving us a chance to get to know her with more epsiodes like 'Missing'. Maybe I am just saying that because I liked 'Missing' a lot, also contrary to most people apparently...

So overall, an excellent episode, like most S4 episodes so far!
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