Updates: DreamWidth, AO3, White Collar, Icons, and a Research Comm!

Dec 27, 2011 16:08

Originally posted by nyxelestia at Updates: DreamWidth, AO3, White Collar, Icons, and a Research Comm!
A New Research Comm

A year ago, I registered backtothebooks, then completely forgot about it. Many a times I got interested in a subject for writing, only to be stumped when it came to research, having on idea where to start or what resource is reliable. Where little_details is for when there is too little information, backtothebooks is for when there is too much information. This is a place where both people can create and store posts full of links and recs on subjects they've researched already and where people can post to ask for good resources - or both.

But! I'm obviously going to need a lot of help for this. For one thing, I fully intend to try and maintain, if not a mirror, then at least a sister comm, on DreamWidth. For another, I want this comm to be as easy to search as possible so that future writers will have an easy time finding resources on subjects this comm already covers; that means extensive tagging, keeping careful and potentially nit-picking memories/favorites, and perhaps even creating a bookmarking profile to link the two comms together (thought at this point I can't even decide between Delicious, Diigo, or Pinboard). Not to mention of course just general running the comm.

So this is a mass call to anyone interested in helping build this comm, on LJ, DW, or anywhere else we may eventually expand to. Please, if you are willing to help, comment at the hiring post! Or even if you don't want to participate, but have some suggestions, thoughts, or requests you would like to share (i.e. any analyses on which bookmarking site to use, methods of tagging, community organization, ect ect), please do! Any and all input is much loved at this time.

LJ Hiring Post | DW Hiring Post

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