OMG!!!!!!! I just watched the trailer for Torchwood Season 3 and I'm now reduced to a hysterical mess.
Ianto Jones: great teaboy or greatest teaboy? The leaked photos of the filming had me believing Children of Earth would consist entirely of Ianto striding purposefully alongside Jack and showing off his looooooong legs. Not that I had any objection, but the trailer leads us to believe there is also actual talking and decision-making going on. Plus, creepy, chanting children.
I love how (what I can only assume are) politicians and people from the military come off as über-shady.
Can children just "stop"? They''re not stopwatches (and with that, I just invoked some seriously disturbing imagery).
"Right, where do we start? What are we looking for?" <-- this, ladies and gentlemen is the very efficient Mr Jones. Now with bonus sexy scarring. Seriously though, the spoilers had me expecting a Captain Harlock lookalike. I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed.
Jack staring broodingly into the distance. Nothing new here.
Oooh, the shadowy conversations and Jack knowing more than he lets on. See above.
Heee, Rhys looking kickass in the background. I'm happy the Torchwood team let him take part in their daily posturing. Also, much love for Ianto being in the foreground. This had better be foreshadowing.
Jack is doing some serious orgasm-faces. Come on Jack, focus. The aliens are up to shenanigans. This is not the time to be picturing Ianto in a schoolboy uniform.
Nooooo, don't blow up the mother'effing Hub!! I hope Myfanwy doesn't get burnt to a crisp.
"What sort of civil servants are you?"
"Unappreciated ones." <-- Maybe if the TW team didn't go around blundering, wrecking mayhem and swishing all over the city... Just saying.
By the way, was that Ianto's sister?
Perfectly gratuitous shot of Jack is perfectly gratuitous. Also, what's with the hair? Oh, I've missed you Captain Jack. Now please lay off the tanning lotion.
Kickass Gwen is great. Although, her jumping out of the ambulance while firing TWO guns at once cannot end well (also, overkill).
TW has made the quay its official running-like-crazies backdrop.
Posing. Check.
Running swooshily. Check.
Cryptic conversations referring to a past we did not get to be privy to. Check.
Meaningful staring. Check.
Firing one or several guns. Check.
Things going KABOOM! Check.
People trying to off our heroes. Check.
People coming out of rubble mysteriously unscathed. Check.
Tonsil hockey. Check.
--> Oh, Torchwood. Keep on keeping on.
This stump of a season had better be epic or I'll... I don't even know what I'll do, but I'll so do it.