Name - Stephanie Janet Means (Current)
Your time lord name is: The ClockmakerYour original Gallifreyan name is Anlorlumperundrez, or Anlor for short. Back on Gallifrey, you led a dull and uninteresting life, working as a Transduction Barrier supervisor, based in the Capitol - but now, you travel Time and Space in search of adventure!
Your Type 37 TARDIS is currently stuck in disguise as a Grecian column, and your latest travelling companion is a reformed Japanese gangster who is trying to make up for a dangerous past.
Get your own time lord name from the time lord name generator! Name - Stephanie Janet Venson Tripp (After wedding)
Your time lord name is: The HistorianYour original Gallifreyan name is Gangothtaniarupsa, or Gangoth for short. Back on Gallifrey, you led a dull and uninteresting life, working as a TARDIS interior designer - but now, you travel Time and Space in search of adventure!
Your Type 74 TARDIS is currently stuck in disguise as a passport photo-booth, and your latest travelling companion is an inventor from the 24th century, who soon finds her eccentric gadgets coming in useful in fighting against evil.
Get your own time lord name from the time lord name generator! Random - Female (First Try)
Your time lord name is: The HermitYour original Gallifreyan name is Falkathrontesimadakobisor, or Falkath for short. Back on Gallifrey, you led a dull and uninteresting life, working as a Professor of Cosmic Science at the Prydon Academy - but now, you travel Time and Space in search of adventure!
Your Type 57 TARDIS is currently stuck in disguise as an IKEA-made cupboard, and your latest travelling companion is a plucky nurse from the Crimean War, with a passion for adventure and a habit of yelling "Lawks!"
Get your own time lord name from the time lord name generator! Random - Male (First Try)
Your time lord name is: The CleanerYour original Gallifreyan name is Wyklorplorkalaeldri, or Wyklor for short. Back on Gallifrey, you led a dull and uninteresting life, working as an Assistant Librarian at the Prydon Academy - but now, you travel Time and Space in search of adventure!
Your Type 70 TARDIS is currently stuck in disguise as a circus tent, and your latest travelling companion is a hyper-intelligent metal orb with a thirst for knowledge and a bizarre sense of humour.
Get your own time lord name from the time lord name generator! Random - Neutral (First Try)
Your time lord name is: The BlacksmithYour original Gallifreyan name is Dalanatandathmun, or Dalana for short. Back on Gallifrey, you led a dull and uninteresting life, working as a Security Guard, based in the Capitol - but now, you travel Time and Space in search of adventure!
Your Type 64 TARDIS is currently stuck in disguise as a metal shipping container, and your latest travelling companion is a novelist who has been stuck with writer's block for the last two years, and is soon getting inspiration she never even dreamed of.
Get your own time lord name from the time lord name generator! Name - Hogwarts is Home Identity - Fenrir Lokidatter (The generator required a first and last name so I chose what his last name would have been if he was a she and was given an authentic last name.)
Your time lord name is: The ChemistYour original Gallifreyan name is Faldothrelorquafonar, or Faldoth for short. Back on Gallifrey, you led a dull and uninteresting life, working as a Dimensional Engineering Theorist - but now, you travel Time and Space in search of adventure!
Your Type 108 TARDIS is currently stuck in disguise as a grand piano, and your latest travelling companion is a gritty, cynical newspaper journalist from the 1990s, who discovers the universe is weirder and wilder than he ever expected.
Get your own time lord name from the time lord name generator!